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Who Gets In and Why?

college admissions Nov 13, 2024

College Admissions Workshop | Financial Aid Consulting

A few recent questions from our clients:  which ones do you have?

*Is my kid doing enough volunteer hours?

*How important is "leadership?" - he doesn't have any.

*What extracurricular activities should she do?  She doesn't stand out.

*He wants to drop AP Spanish.  Is that OK or will it hurt his chances of getting accepted to a good college?

You might not be getting answers to these and similar questions from your guidance counselor, even if you're at a private high school.  But fear not, mon ami, I've got you covered!

Tonight, you're invited to attend a new, informative workshop for parents of 9-11th graders, especially if your kiddo is gunning to get into an Ivy or other super-competitive college.

It's called "The College Admissions Edge:  How to get an almost unfair advantage over tens of thousands of competitor-applicants...and win a TON of fat, juicy scholarships -- even if you think you'll never qualify for anything."

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Elite/Selective College Admissions "Secrets"

college admissions Nov 12, 2024

What are admissions committees at Ivy League and other selective colleges looking for from applicants?

The answer may not be as random as you think.

Tomorrow night, you're invited to attend a new, informative workshop for parents of college-bound teens who are looking, hoping and dreaming of getting into an Ivy or other competitive college. 

It's called "The College Admissions Edge:  How to get an almost unfair advantage over tens of thousands of competitor-applicants...and win a TON of fat, juicy scholarships -- even if you think you'll never qualify for anything."

Here's a short list of what's on tap tomorrow night:  

How to Construct a Strategic, Balanced College List​​​​​​​

The Politically Incorrect Truth About What it Takes to Get Accepted to an Ivy League or Competitive College Today

College Essay Tips and Traps

How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think "No way!  Families like us never get any financial assistance"

The Biggest, "Hidden In Plai...

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5 SAT / ACT Mistakes to Avoid

In a few hours, our head tutor Marissa is conducting a live test prep strategies presentation, 5 Score-Killing SAT and ACT Prep Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The next ACT registration deadline is in four days (for the exam on 11/22), and the one for the SAT is later this month (see below).

Our next (guaranteed) ACT prep course starts tomorrow. Marissa will be offering a special discount coupon code on tonight's free workshop!  

Here's where to sign up for tonight's class


Drop whatever you're doing if you have a young-un taking the SAT or ACT in the near future.  Don't miss this class, who cares about the polling data, anyway! 

I'm Andy Lockwood and i approve of this message, mostly.

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"Hidden" Common App Tips

Good morning!

Two non-political announcements today:

1 .We're hitting the airwaves this morning -- 10:00am EST --  for College Coffee Talk, our live show about college admissions and financial aid news that you can use!  

Today's topic:  "Hidden" Common Application Tips.  Here's where to join us at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it).

2. Tonight, our head tutor Marissa is conducting a live test prep strategies presentation, 5 Score-Killing SAT and ACT Prep Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Here's where to sign up for tonight's free class

Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at one or both events today (each will be recorded)

- Andy "Two Times the Fun" Lockwood

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[EXPIRATION]: 10% Off Halloween "Scholarship"

Hi there,

I'll be quick like a vanishing apparition you thought you saw out of the corner of your eye...

Right now -- until midnight, tonight -- you can hire us to help you complete the FAFSA, CSS Profile and all financial aid applications...

...ACCURATELY, on-time and STRATEGICALLY.... that you can get the MOST money for your own Children of the Night, and comfortably afford their college tuition...

For a Whopping 10% Off

Plus, there's an EZ Payment Plan, as well as a discounted 1-Pay plan.

I don't want to make this email too long, because we're about to put this promotion back into the crypt when the clock striketh 12 of the clock, tonight, Hallow's Eve.

In a nutshell, here's what you get when you enroll before DEADline:

  • Expert help avoiding all DEADLY, money-losing mistakes on the FAFSA, CSS Profile and all other ghastly, gruesome financial aid applications (we prepare them for you)
  • Strategies to maximize your eligibility for need-based and merit-based aid
  • Assista...
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FINAL NOTICE: Financial Aid Webinar

Hey now, I'm about to go live on tonight's webinar, (partially) titled, How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think you can't possibly qualify for anything.

Do you find that description to be as snazzy and eye-catching as I do? 

Even if you don't, I have good news, you can still come join us!  Click the pumpkin-colored button below and you'll be whisked over to the webinar dungeon...



See you soon!.

- Count Andrew Von Lockwuud

Undead College Advisor

P.S.  Here's the short list of tonight's topics:

*The new, not improved financial aid formula and how it affects your eligibility for aid (esp. if you have more than one kid in college, own a business or are divorced/divorcing)

*How to negotiate with a college after it's so-called "final" award

*How to legally "hide" your savings from the prying eyes of the Department of Education and your college financial aid offices

*More, including your questions, 'cause we'll be live (and somehow, undead) in the chat!...

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New Financial Aid "Secrets" Webinar

Last year's release of the "simplified" FAFSA was scarier than The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby wrapped together. 

This year, it might be worse.

If one of more of your Children of the Night is headed to college in the next year or three and you're deathly afraid of monstrous college tuition bills, we're putting together a little webinar tomorrow, October 29th to rescue you from a fate worse than death.

Here are all the gory details:

Learn more...


The short version is that I will walk you through all of the pitfalls and traps that lie waiting for you in the financial aid process, worse than anything that goes bump in the night.  Topics include:

*How to "Hide" Your Savings From the Hobgoblins in the Financial Aid Office

*Negotiation Secrets:  How to Squeeze an Extra $30,022 From the Financial Aid Office, After It's So-Called "Final" Offer

*The 529:  Friend or Foe?  Good or Evil?

More, including your questions.  We'll be live -- yet undead -- in the chat!

Here's where to go...

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Tonight: Financial Aid Nightmare Banished!

If one or more of your Children of the Night is headed to college in the next couple of years...

...and you're just now learning how much you'll have to shell out in tuition, I've got good news:

You're NOT starring in your own horror movie. 

Tonight, we'll show you how to navigate the financial aid process so that you can comfortably afford college, without scrimping on your lifestyle or racking up tens of thousands -- or hundreds of thousands -- of dollars in debt (that was my personal nightmare,  between college and law school).

Pearl and have assembled a little webinar just for you tonight, to discover the "dark arts" of financial aid.  Here's what's brewing:

*The new, not improved financial aid formula and how it affects your eligibility for aid (esp. if you have more than one kid in college, own a business or are divorced/divorcing)

*How to negotiate with a college after it's so-called "final" award

*How to legally "hide" your savings from the prying eyes of the Department ...

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The Stone Cold Truth re: Test Optional

Tutoring | Financial Aid Apps Prep

I want to tell you about our guaranteed SAT and ACT prep courses, but first, I'd like to address a commonly asked question:

Should My Kid Bother to Take the SAT or ACT?

Let me lay it out for you, because I seriously doubt you'll get this information from your guidance counselor or any other "expert."

60% of a college application is based on academic credentials:


*Rigor of course load

*Standardized testing

(I'll cover the 40% some other time.)

If you take away one of the Big Three academic components, then the other two take on more weight.  Simple logic.

So my first point is that there's a difference between applying test-optional and GETTING ACCEPTED test-optional.  If your scores are too low to submit, AND your GPA and rigor is also lacking, you're not competitive and merely wasting your application fee.

What about the "High GPA, Bad Test Taker Phenomenon?"

Not that unusual, thanks in large part to rampant grade inflation.  

Last w...

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Why are SAT and ACT scores dropping?

Tutoring | Financial Aid Consulting

Average ACT and SAT scores dropped in 2024 compared to 2023.  What does this mean for 11th grade and younger kids who are headed to college?

1.4 million kids took the ACT in 2024, the average score:  19.4, down from 19.5 in 2023.  Big whoop.

1.97 million kids took the SAT or PSAT in 2024, the average score:  1024, down from 1028 the previous year.  Big whoop number two.

The party line among test professionals is not that our kids are dumber, but that more kids are taking the tests.

My hunch is the opposite, lower scores are part of the overall decline in education, achievement and accountability that keeps me up at night.  A topic for another day, or never (publicly).

Let's turn to some specific advice for college-bound 11th graders and younger.

Prep hard and take the tests, either the SAT or ACT.  Start before you're "ready," so you don't run out of time.

Take a diagnostic exam first, to determine Which Test is Best.

More and more colleges ...

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50% Complete

10 Ways Families Screw Up Their College Admissions and Financial Aid Results...and how to avoid them!

Get this unusual but valuable information now -- while it's still available!