Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

Our Meeting is Starting Now

college admissions Nov 14, 2024

Hi, I'll be quicker than a politician's backpedal, 'cause we're about to go live with our webinar,"The College Admissions Edge:  How to get an almost unfair advantage over tens of thousands of competitor-applicants...and win a TON of fat, juicy scholarships -- even if you think you'll never qualify for anything."

It's not too late for you to join us, here's where to go:

Get The Admissions Edge!


- Andy "Almost Ready for Prime Time" Lockwood

P.S.  Here's the tip of the iceberg of what's about to be covered on the webinar:

How to Construct a Strategic, Balanced College List​​​​​​​

The Politically Incorrect Truth About What it Takes to Get Accepted to an Ivy League or Competitive College Today

College Essay Tips and Traps

How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think "No way!  Families like us never get any financial assistance"

The Biggest, "Hidden In Plain Sight," Mistake College-Bound Families Make and How to Avoid It

More!  Including Q&A, offered on a first-come, first-served basis

Here's where you want to be:


50% Complete

10 Ways Families Screw Up Their College Admissions and Financial Aid Results...and how to avoid them!

Get this unusual but valuable information now -- while it's still available!