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12 Horrible College Planning Mistakes

Uncategorized Jan 17, 2024

 12 Deadly Mistakes Webinar

Hey now,

Quickie reminder about tonight's webinar, which will help you avoid screwing up your kid's college admissions chances...

...and your eligibility for the financial aid and scholarships you deserve, so that you can comfortably afford college without scrimping on your lifestyle, mortgaging your home or retirement up to the eyeballs...

...or selling a vital organ on the Dark Web!

It's called A Dirty Dozen Deadly College Planning Mistakes...and how to avoid them.  It's free.  And tonight, live! 

Topics include:

  • College application mistakes
  • College essay mistakes
  • Financial aid mistakes
  • Scholarships mistakes
  • College list mistakes
  • Guidance counselor mistakes
  • "Big Picture" mistakes
  • More

I'm trying to keep the whole class to about an hour.  We'll see, there's a lot I'm trying to dump out of my brain. Nothing will be held back, but I'll be moving fast and trying to cram in about 22 years of college advising experience into 60 minutes.  (Soun...

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The "Invisible" Common App Question

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2024

It's ironic that one of the biggest, most important questions admissions officers at competitive colleges have,  is one that is actually NOT on the Common Application.

The Common App asks a bunch of questions such as name, address, to list your extracurricular activities (10 of them) and a personal statement (what we in the biz call a "Personal Statement.") 

(Hah.  The main essay, ok?  Plus other, supplemental essays.)

When you're applying to college, you're also providing transcripts, teacher recommendations, a recommendation from your guidance counselor (hah, also), and a few other items.

But the REAL question, though actually nowhere on the Common App, lies in the hearts and minds of admissions officers. That question:

Why Should We Take YOU Instead of Your 50,000 Other Competitor-Applicants? 

The question is invisible, but the most important question you must answer.

But here's the thing...

You cannot begin thinking about this question when you sit down to fill out the Comm...

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College Planning Mistakes

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2024

Getting into a great college at a great price has a lot to do with what you do, years ahead of the actual college applications.

But it's also largely about what you DON'T DO.  As in, staying away from self-inflicted, self-sabotaging mistakes along the way.

There are two types of mistakes that families make: 1. mistakes of commission and 2. mistakes of omission.

The first category is more active.  You do the wrong thing.  Example, you focus on the standardized test that is wrong for you, such as the ACT instead of the SAT.  Or, you start prepping for the SAT too late, which puts pressure on you because of the delay, and you can't get your best scores.  

The second category, omission, is when your error is based on something you didn't do.  Example:  failing to strategically shelter your savings to avoid getting unnecessarily penalized in the financial aid formulas, thereby losing out on grants or scholarships that you could have otherwise won.

I want to help you avoid shooting your...

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I Got it Wrong Last Week

Uncategorized Jan 09, 2024

Turns out I may have gotten it wrong last week when I said test scores (SAT and ACT) weren't as good of a predictor of college success than GPA.

Two days ago, The New York Times cited the president of Brown University, who wrote "Standardized test scores are a much better predictor of academic success than high school grades."

Much better, not "somewhat" better.  Why?

The main reason is that -- counterintuitively -- standardized test scores are LESS biased than other parts of the college application process, including essays and extracurricular activities.

Google it yourself if curious.  In the meantime, I'll say again what I've been yammering on about for more than two years...

...There's a difference between APPLYING test-optional and getting ADMITTED test-optional.

Make it easy on your admissions officers - get your SAT or ACT score as high as possible, then prove to them why you will kick *ass at that college.

Carpe college, babe.

-Andy Lockwood

P.S.  Our SAT prep course s...

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ACT Prep Class Discount - Last Chance

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2024

Quick quiz:  what are the three most important academic components of a college application?

I won't tease you. The answer:

  1. GPA
  2. Rigor (typically AP or IB courses)
  3. Standardized testing

Yep.  The ACT or SAT is important. Still.


Because performance on the ACT or SAT is highly predictive of how well a student will do in college.

Note that I didn't say "perfectly predictive."  Nothing is a failsafe predictor.

But, given a choice, an admissions officer would rather see an ACT or SAT score than not.

But what about applying test optional, you inquire.

Harken unto me, and harken closely.  There Is a difference between APPLYING test-optional and being ACCEPTED test-optional. That not-so-subtle distinction gets glossed over more often than not.

If your standardized test scores don't cut the mustard, you shouldn't send 'em.  

But if the REST of your academic credentials  -- the aforementioned GPA and rigor -- are also relatively weak compared to your competition, you're not d...

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Uncategorized Jan 04, 2024

Good morning from overcast New York.

Over the past week we received 4-5 questions about the new, digital SAT as well as the upcoming ACT. That's why we ran a class walking you through each section (briefly), to highlight the differences and similarities, all with the goal of helping you figure out which exam to focus on.

Best news eva:  we recorded it! You can watch it here:




Our prep class for the ACT starts next week, the class for the SAT starts right after that.

Take $100 off either as a special New Year's promo!  Enter coupon code CRUSH2024 (wait for the price to update in the shopping cart), here:


- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  Yep.  The SAT and ACT still matter.  Strong scores help you get in and win fat, juicy scholarships. :)

P.P.S.  Please share this with other parents if they need this info.

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FAFSApocalypse Replay (and promo)

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2024

Hidey ho, two brief notes this morning:

  1. We had a bunch of people ask about a replay of yesterday's walk through of the new "improved", glitchy, hard-to-access FAFSA by financial aid expert (and dark horse Harvard University presidential candidate front-runner) Pearl Lockwood.  That recording is is posted here, hot off the presses.
  2. Our ACT prep class for the February exam starts next week.  Our SAT prep class for the march exam starts later this month.  Sign up now and we'll knock off $100 -- use coupon code CRUSH2024 on this page

Let me know if you have any questions!

-Andy Lockwood

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SAT/ACT "Secrets" Class Starting

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2024

Hi, a quickie reminder:  we're about to go live with a new free class,, SAT vs ACT - Which Test is Best?

This is a section-by-section, brief walk-through to help you discover which is the "right" one for your child. 

It's about to start:  8:15pm EST

If you have a child who is strong in math...

...or one who Is weak in science...

...or one who is a slow-ish test taker...

...or have general questions the new digital SAT, the differences between the SAT and ACT, which one should your child take, etc., you'd be silly not to show up!  

Don't be silly, here's where to go:

Which Test is Best

-Andy Lockwood

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How to Cope With the FAFSA Sh-t show

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2024

At 6:24 PM last night, I appeared briefly on Fox TV to help its audience cope with the current "FAFSApocalypse"  -- the glitchy, frustrating, delay-ridden new and "improved" Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

But, as is always the case when I make it on the air, there's a TON that got left on the cutting room floor.

In this case, there was a lot more I wanted to yammer on about in order to help families with college-bound teens deal with the new regulations, tech problems and behind-the-scenes chaos that is hurtling toward them like an oncoming train.  

Good news!  This morning, live on our Facebook page, I'm roping in FAFSA expert and Lockwood College Prep Chief Snack Officer Pearl Lockwood to give you a "look over my shoulder." insider, real-time update on what she's been seeing so far in the few days since the "soft release" of the FASFA.  

And what she's been NOT seeing, which you may find to be a little scary.

Pearl helps families file more than 400 FAFSAs each year,...

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Two Blockbuster Events

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2024

Hi, it's deja vu all over again, looking like this year is starting off in a confusing, crazy way -- major problems with FAFSA, another college president bites the dust, nonsensical college admissions for Class of 2024, lots o' fun.

So we're doing two live sessions tomorrow (1/3) to help you clear the clutter and confusion and succeed in financial aid, college admissions and more:

  1. College Coffee Talk: Pearl will walk us through the new, kinda-sorta released FAFSA.  11am EST, on our Facebook page.  Tomorrow, Wednesday 1/3.
  2. SAT vs ACT - Which Test is Best? Section-by-section, brief walk-through to help you discover which is the "right" one for your child.  8:15pm EST: register on this pageTomorrow, Wednesday 1/3.

That's all I got --  a happy and healthy 2024 to you!

-Andy Lockwood

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10 Ways Families Screw Up Their College Admissions and Financial Aid Results...and how to avoid them!

Get this unusual but valuable information now -- while it's still available!