Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

When a college advisor visits her own kid

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2022
College advisors Pearl and Andy Lockwood talk about Pearl's visit to Ann Arbor to see their kid.  Andy gets all snarky and sarcastic about some of the people who go to UMICH

For more information visit

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Admissions Results

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2022
College consultants Pearl and Andy Lockwood discuss this year's results for the Class of 2022 so far, and what they mean for families with Class of 2023 or younger kiddos headed to college!
For more information on the summer bootcamp program mentioned in this episode, visit
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Sat changes, upcoming ACT and new last minute β€œcram” courses

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2022
Today college advisors Pearl and Andy Lockwood brought in Lockwood Test Prep head tutor, Marissa Uneberg to chat about the pending SAT changes, the upcoming ACT and our new last minute "cram" courses.
Also discussed:  when is the "right" time to negotiate financial aid and merit aid awards, current. changes to the College Board logins -- boring but important -- and answers to some live questions about the proper use of the 529 and more!
For more information see and
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College Coffee Talk: College Board changes, Student Loan interest suspension, more

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2022
College advisors Pearl and Andy Lockwood chat about:
*The annoying changes from the College Board and how it affects you and your CSS Profile
*Student Loan interest suspension, how long it will last and will loans be forgiven?
*College visit tips and recent observations of freaky tour goers by Andy and his daughter Sammy
*More, including some live Q&A
See for more information
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College consultant Andy Lockwood gives a brief tour of how financial aid works, including:
*Need-based aid
* Merit aid
* "Tax Scholarships" for high income business owners
The discussion included common mistakes to avoid on the FAFSA and CSS Profile, what are the differences between the FAFSA and CSS Profile, pending financial aid changes for divorced families deadlines to file, what happens if you make a mistake on your FAFSA or another financial aid application, what if you don't qualify for financial aid, how to negotiate or appeal for more financial aid, more.
For more information, see How to Negotiate Your Crappy Financial Aid or Merit Aid Award on Amazon or visit
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Why Some Kids Get In While Others Get "Dinged"

A sampling of recent questions and comments from parents of high school seniors:

Have you ever seen it THIS bad?

Our guidance counselor said [name of high school] is having the worst year EVER with colleges and doesn't know why! It's so unfair!

[So and so] had lower grades and SATs than my daughter but he got in and she didn't!

Here's the thing...

I hear these comments EVERY year!

Sure, when you look at raw stats, out of context like the number of applications colleges receive, you might get a lump in your throat, pit in your stomach and experience flop sweat.

But most of these symptoms are treatable and even preventable, at least when you consult with Dr. Lockwood, Fake MD.*

Here are a few of my diagnostic thoughts (not intended as medical advice. Consult a health professional if you experience swelling, nausea or persistent diarrhea from this letter):

One reason for the increase in applications is NOT because there are more kids applying to college. It's because there are...

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High GPA, Low SAT or ACT

Even though more than a thousand colleges let you apply to them without submitting your SAT or ACT, you should be aware of a dirty little secret about admissions officers:
They'd PREFER to see standardized test scores!
Because, despite their flaws, the SAT and ACT are still helpful predictors of how well a student will do in college.
Before I continue, understand that I'm not here to defend either the College Board or the ACT. I'm well aware of the biases that affect kids' scores, especially financial means to take test prep or hire expensive tutors.
Side bar: I'm also old enough to remember the Party Line spoken by the College Board for years: that the SAT was so fair that there was zero advantage to studying for it or hiring a tutor!
Then one day they partnered with Khan Academy to provide classes and tutoring.
Anyhoo, one of the most common...
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NYU's Eggsitential Crisis

Early this week the Wall Street Journal "exposed" New York University as being THE WORST college when it comes to financial aid generosity.

The piece painted a pretty bleak picture, pointing out that, for a college with an endowment north of 1 Billion, NYU ranked 1st in the ignominious category of parent loan (PLUS) debt per family and other related areas.

The article featured a grad student, a woman, who sold her eggs in order to pay for tuition.  Twice!

(No word on whether the eggs would receive favorable legacy status once fertilized into college applicants in the indeterminate future.)

We in the college advising biz have known NYU to be, again, THE WORST, stingiest college known to mankind for years, so this article was less than a surprise.

I've witnessed parents and kids tempted -- and sometime succumbing to that temptation despite my best efforts -- to blow 80K per year for a theater education at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts.

Three of my four kiddos did or do...

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How to Get Out of Early Decision

Encore College Guru Certification Webinar

December is National Early Decision Month, when high school seniors learn whether they got into their top choice, "ED" colleges.

The official party line about how Early Decision works goes a little somethin' like this:

  • Aspiring college student falls in love with THE college that he/she is dying to get into (obviously, the college must be impossible to get into, otherwise, who would be dying to go there?)
  • Aspiring college student submits his application, indicating that he's "going ED"
  • If college admits him, he MUST go

There's only one problem with the above:  

It's false.  Fake news. 

Here's the way things really work with Early Decision, just in case you never hear this from your guidance counselor (more on that below).

First, nothing and nobody can compel you to attend a college, no matter what box you checked on your college application.

Second, the Early Decision agreement is not binding, legally speaking.  In...

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College Applications Up By How Much (and does it matter)?

Apparently college applications as of January are up by 22% compared to last year.

High school seniors are applying to more schools, according to one college consultant (not me, but I'm also seeing the same trend in my anecdotal, micro-universe).

Does that mean that it will be harder to get into college this year? Permit me to make a few comments.

First, more applications does not mean more APPLICANTS applying to college.  The number of kids applying is actually trending down, partially due to predicted demographics, and partially because of the pandemic, economy and outrageous cost of college, which has risen every year since the beginning of time.

(Side prediction:  next year's increase in college costs will again outstrip the current, also outrageous inflation numbers reported this week.)

Second, as the Common App data weenies point out, more applications does not equate to more enrollments.  Colleges will still have to scrap tooth and nail to convince...

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