Picking up on yesterday's message about cr-ppy advice my clients have received from their guidance counselors over the years, I wanted to offer up another lump of erroneous counsel that I hear EVERY year.
This one's about AP classes. As in, advice not to take the "extra" AP.
Look, I'm about to get controversial. If you don't like where I'm coming from, you are free -- actually encouraged -- to unsubscribe from my email list (see link at bottom). I'm not trying to get anyone's underwear in a bunch, my intent is to help you avoid making an easily-avoidable mistake that can have lethal side effects on your child's college admissions chances.
Frequently, school counselors tell students that it's OK not to take an extra AP. You don't have to stress out, take it easy on yourself. 11th grade is hard.
My issue: that is not the right advice for everybody.
If your child is gunning for an Ivy or slightly less competitive college, he or she will likely be competing with tens of thous...