Good morning!
We're hitting the airwaves this morning -- 10:00am EST -- for College Coffee Talk, our live show about college admissions and financial aid news that you can use!
Here's what's on tap for today:
College consultants Pearl and Andy Lockwood unravel the mystery of how to find and WIN merit scholarships!
Catchy, right? Can't wait :)
Here's where to join us at 10am EST (if you like, follow or whatever Zuck wants you to do, you'll never miss out on our program.)
Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it)
- Andy Lockwood
The SAT and ACT have each changed formats recently, leaving many parents and kids wondering, "Which Test is Best...for me?"
We'll help you answer that question, tonight, in a free online class.
Topics to be covered:
More, including your questions!
The whole kit and kaboodle will run 60 minutes or less. If you're around tonight, it will definitely be worth your while to attend, so you can discover the key differences between the SAT and ACT... that your kiddo can CRUSH the test, get into the college of their dreams and win tons of fat, juicy scholarships along the way!
See you in class!
- Andy Lockwood
P.S. Results not guaranteed. Batteries not included. Some assembly required.
Pardon the interruption, but we're all busy and I wanted to send this now because I don't know if I'll do this again this year.
We're hitting their airwaves with our online class right after I hit send on this email. Here's where to go, see you in a few moments:
- Andy "Last Call" Lockwood
P.S. Reminder of tonight's topics:
*How to "hide" your money from the financial aid office, legally and ethically
*How to negotiate a scholarship or financial aid award
*How high income and ultra affluent families can qualify for tuition discounts of 25%, 33% or even 56.1%, guilt-free
*10 deadly, self-inflicted financial aid mistakes overwhelmed families make before they apply to college (and how to avoid them)
*The disappointing state of last year's "Simplified" (HAH!) FAFSA rollout and now to cope with more delays and mistakes that seem inevitable this year
*Special tips for business owners and other self-employed families
*The New Rules a...
Financial Aid Workshop | SAT / ACT Prep
Tonight is all about grabbing the cashola you need and deserve from your kid's college, so that you can actually afford tuition without being forced to eat mac 'n cheese every night, plundering your retirement savings or having to sell a vital organ.
(Apologies to the mac 'n cheese community, sorry if I offended you.)
In tonight's brand spanking new online workshop, How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...Even if you think you can't possibly qualify for any type of financial assistance, I'll be showing you how to:
*Legally shelter your savings from the financial aid office
*Negotiate with a college
*Identify which colleges will be generous, and which colleges will never cough up a dime of aid
*Qualify for 56.1% off, even if you make six or seven figures
I know these claims sound hypey, but I'll back them up tonight.
All details are here:
There's no charge to attend and nothing to purchase.
Financial Aid Workshop | SAT / ACT Prep
If you're frustrated that nobody at your high school has offered to help you figure out how to "work" the system to get financial aid and scholarships, I have news for you:
It's not your fault.
It's weird when you think about it - college is SO freakin' expensive, and you've heard that there's money "out there."
You know, like those scholarships for left-handed oboists of Viking descent with spastic colons.
But your guidance counselor, CPA or Financial Guy is clueless about how it works.
I'm running a new free online financial aid class for you tomorrow, but today I want to talk about mistakes I'll help you avoid when you join us.
There are two kinds of mistakes: those of commission, and those of omission.
Commission means things like inputting the wrong information into one or more financial aid applications.
This is easier to do than you might think. For example, the CSS Profile is more than 200 nitpicky, complicated questions. Yo...
Financial Aid Workshop | SAT / ACT Prep
I've gotten a lot of flack online about a free report I wrote called How to Hide Your Money from the Financial Aid Office, Legally and Ethically.
The criticism falls into two categories, broadly speaking. Either 1. "This guy's a scam artist, or 2. It's not fair to help families who don't deserve it.
I don't know how to respond to the first argument, except to point out that I've been calling myself Long Island's Greatest Unindicted College Advisor since the "Varsity Blues" scandal of 2019.
Re: helping the "wrong" families, that's a different kettle of fish. My responses:
*I honestly don't see what's wrong with helping families who lived under their means and acted responsibly to save for college, who wake up at the 11th hour and realize that they've been punished by the financial aid formulas for this otherwise admirable behavior
*Helping these families get more financial aid and scholarships doesn't take anything away from less-advantag...
The Wall Street Journal said it best:
In financial aid, it's not how much you've saved, but where (paraphrasing).
The rules that dictate how much -- or how little -- you'll receive in college financial assistance are complicated and unfair to many who lived below their means and learn, too late, that they'll be penalized for their responsible behavior.
If that sounds like you, I recommend that you turn into our newest online class this coming Wednesday, September 18, called How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think "No way! Families like us NEVER qualify for any financial assistance."
One of the key topics I'll cover is that WSJ notion of "where," not "how much."
Specifically, which types of savings accounts penalize you (reduce your eligibility) more than other types...
...and which are completely penalty-free.
In addition to strategies to get more cash for college, I'll go over at least 10 mistakes families make in the financial aid process.
Mistakes you'll ...
With annual college costs in excess of $90,000 and 50% of student loans in default, there's a big, big sleeping elephant in the room.
If you're the parent of a teen headed to college in 2025 or beyond, the more you learn about how to win scholarships and financial aid, the better... that you can comfortably afford tuition for all of your children without scrimping your lifestyle, plundering your retirement savings or selling a vital organ. :)
Next Wednesday, September 18, we're running a brand new financial aid and scholarships "secrets" workshop, called How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think "No way! Families like us NEVER qualify for any financial assistance."
There's no charge to attend and nothing to purchase.
And you will DEFINITELY not hear these strategies at your high school's BS "college night" or the next college fair you attend, where the speaker is probably employed by a local college.
Yeah, HE will tell you how to get more money from his coll...
Good morning!
We're hitting the airwaves this morning
-- 10:00am EST --
as College Coffee Talk kicks off the 2024-2025 school year with case studies of how affluent families can slash college costs by tens of thousands (or more)...even if they think they can't possibly qualify for anything!
Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it)
- Andy "Sounds Too Good to Be True" Lockwood
I messed up last night.
Based on the 5 star reviews and the comments and questions in the chat , it looked like last night's "Late Stage" College Planning webinar went over well.
However, at the end, I learned that I did something pretty stupid.
When I mentioned that if anyone wanted a free College Strategy Session, all they had to do was click the green button, a couple of people replied:
"Where's the green button"
I didn't post it, somehow. Impressive!
To make things right in the world again, I'm publishing a recording of the webinar momentarily, and will keep it up all weekend. If you want to chat about our college advising services, there will be a button under the video recording. (I mean it this time. :)
Here's where to go:
- Andy "Not That Tech Savvy" Lockwood
P.S. The topics on the webinar were...
*The Inconvenient, Politically Incorrect Truth About What It Takes to Get Into an Ivy or Any Top College -- What do admissions officers REALLY want?...
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