Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

New Financial Aid Workshop

fafsa financial aid Sep 12, 2024

With annual college costs in excess of $90,000 and 50% of student loans in default, there's a big, big sleeping elephant in the room.

If you're the parent of a teen headed to college in 2025 or beyond, the more you learn about how to win scholarships and financial aid, the better... that you can comfortably afford tuition for all of your children without scrimping your lifestyle, plundering your retirement savings or selling a vital organ. :)

Next Wednesday, September 18, we're running a brand new financial aid and scholarships "secrets" workshop, called How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think "No way!  Families like us NEVER qualify for any financial assistance."

There's no charge to attend and nothing to purchase.

And you will DEFINITELY not hear these strategies at your high school's BS "college night" or the next college fair you attend, where the speaker is probably employed by a local college. 

Yeah, HE will tell you how to get more money from his college?  Not the best career move.

Here are some of the topics we'll run through next Wednesday:

*How to "hide" your money from the financial aid office, legally and ethically

*How to negotiate a scholarship or financial aid award

*How high income and ultra affluent families can qualify for tuition discounts of 25%, 33% or even 56.1%

*10 deadly, self-inflicted financial aid mistakes hapless, overwhelmed families make before they apply to college (and how to avoid them)

*The horrible state of the FAFSA and now to cope with more delays and mistakes that seem inevitable this year

*Special tips for business owners and other self-employed families

*The New Rules about divorced families 

*More:  we'll block out time for Q&A so that you can get your questions answered

This is a one-night presentation, don't ask about a replay.  Hope you can make it!



- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  There's nothing to buy on the webinar but attendees will receive a special "scholarship" that can be applied toward our financial aid consulting and forms preparation service.  Discussed only at the end of the class, you get a hall pass to leave any time you want :)


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