I was talking to a 10th grade student last week, when he asked me this doozy of a question:
"Are my extracurriculars good enough to get into an Ivy?"
My answer:
"Nope." (A mere glimpse into the caring, sensitive college consulting style that made me famous.)
But there's good news, I told him. "You're only in 10th grade. You have the luxury of time to develop "killer" extracurricular activities that will separate you from tens of thousands of competitor-applicants."
Then we got to work, planning out the remainder of his year and the balance of his high school career.
I can't go into detail of what I specifically recommended for HIM, but I can offer you something better:
A ticket to my brand spanking new, online workshop this Tuesday evening, The College Application Edge System. It's free, there's nothing to buy, and you will discover how to:
I'm offering this new workshop as a one-time marketing experiment, there's no telling whether I'll do it again. So sign up now and get this valuable information that you'll NEVER get from your guidance counselor at school! Here's where to go:
Hope to see you Tuesday!
- Andy Lockwood
P.S. Please share this invite with anyone you know who could use it.
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