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The College Admissions Edge

The College Admissions Edge

Hosted by: Pearl and Andy Lockwood

College admissions tips , strategies and various & sundry, not necessarily politically-correct thoughts on the whole college application and scholarships kit and kaboodle. Brought to you by Pearl and Andy...

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“War Stories” with NYC-based College Advisor Abby Siegel

Andy interviews friend and college consulting colleague Abby Siegel about some of the crazy, ethical and borderline illegal behavior we’ve heard about over the years, including:   “Double depositing” Weaseling out of...
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Interview with former Princeton Admissions Committee Member, College Board Trustee on The Recent College Admissions Scandal

College consultant Andy Lockwood interviews Don Betterton, former director of Financial Aid and member of the Admissions Committee of Princeton University and former trustee of the College Board   In this wide-ranging...
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My Personal College Admissions Scam Confession

Pearl and Andy Lockwood share their thoughts  – and personal experiences, including the time Andy met “Rick” Singer (the sleazy college consultant at the center of the FBI investigation, and the times clients have...
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How to Negotiate Your Financial Aid & Scholarships Award

Andy Lockwood goes over the 9 steps toward mounting a successful appeal of your “lowball” financial aid and/or scholarship award.   For more information about his College Negotiations “Master Class” – which includes a...
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4th Annual College Predictions

Pearl and Andy host their 4th annual College Predictions webinar! They peer into the future and reveal what’s in store for Class of 2020 families and beyond re:  Which Colleges Will Be “Hot,” and Which Will be “Not?”...
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The Self Sabotage Episode

Season Three kicks off with an episode of College Talk Tuesday ( where Pearl and Andy chat discuss two case studies where parents shoot themselves in the proverbial feet when it came to...
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Finally, Your College Questions, Answered!

In this live, unscripted webinar, Pearl and Andy answered more than 70 college admissions, financial aid, scholarship and test prep questions, including:   How to negotiate with a college Should we file a FAFSA...
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How to Beat Test Anxiety

Frequently, students who kick butt on practice ACT or SATs sh-t the bed on the “real,” actual test.   Obviously this is extremely frustrating, and only ratchets up college-related stress, as if there isn’t enough...
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College Planning For Business Owners

All business owners have several “loopholes’ that can help them qualify for more financial aid, or lower their tax burdens (or both).   In this episode, Andy interviews his personal CPA, Randall Rogg, about topics...
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How to Avoid a College Student “Boomerang Disaster”

We see it all too often, kids fall in love with a college, manage to get into that college, GO to that college, and then…   …Come home?   Sadly, many kids come home with their tails between their legs days, or weeks...
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Financial Aid Applications – The Scoop on FAFSA & the CSS Profile

How to figure out which financial aid applications you must file, WHEN to file and how to avoid costly mistakes!   Covered topics: Which colleges require the CSS Profile (and why you should care) What happens if you...
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Early Action, Early Decision and Other Ways to Apply to College

This episode walks you through all the various and sundry ways to apply to college… …and whether applying early makes sense for you!   Topics include: Does EA help you get money? How much does ED really help you get...
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