Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.
The College Admissions Edge

The College Admissions Edge

Hosted by: Pearl and Andy Lockwood

College admissions tips , strategies and various & sundry, not necessarily politically-correct thoughts on the whole college application and scholarships kit and kaboodle. Brought to you by Pearl and Andy...

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College Horror Stories

College advisor Andy Lockwood discusses two things that go bump in the night and cause you to suffer a horrible, ghastly fate:  horrible advice from guidance counselors and the reps at  the high school “College...
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Should You Delete All Social Media Before Applying to College?

College Advisor and best-selling author Andy Lockwood discusses the pros and cons of having social media accounts when applying to college, and the ways to proactively create an online brand that helps you get into...
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Sneaky deadlines you can’t afford to miss

College Talk Tuesday! This was originally a live cast on our Facebook Page, Pearl and I covered: Sneaky deadlines you can’t afford to miss, plus an Admissions Armageddon tale of woe that...
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When MUST You File Your Financial Aid Applications?

In financial aid, you’re either quick or you’re dead. OK, not really, I was trying to make a boring topic more interesting. However, the truth is that there is a TON of flat-out WRONG “information” about how the...
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5 Things Parents and Kids Get Wrong About the SAT and ACT

Description: College advisor Andy Lockwood interviews Lockwood Test Prep head tutor Marissa Uneberg about common mistakes made by 11th grade and 12 grade test takers.  Topics include: >How early should a student...
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Hidden Supplemental Essays on the Common Application

You’d think that it would be easy to figure out which colleges require supplemental essays. And you’d be wrong. Listen to this short episode describing the frustrating places where some colleges “hide” their writing...
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Andy Lockwood Interviews Steve Schwartz

College advisor Andy Lockwood interviews fellow college advisor Steve Schwartz, founder of the College Admissions Toolbox about how he coaches his clients on writing college essays. For more information on Steve...
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What does it mean when a college offers a “Priority Application“?

College advisor Andy Lockwood explains the hidden, often disappointing, reasons why colleges offer “Priority Applications”. For more information, visit (
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How to Defeat College Essay Anxiety, Writer’s Block and More

This episode was originally a webinar I conducted for my community in early July 2019.  We covered: The biggest mistake college essay writers commit and how to avoid it The “Obstacle” essay:  Really? How to use...
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Can You Qualify for Financial Aid If You Own A Home?

College advisor Andy Lockwood discusses when your house hurts eligibility for financial aid, and when it doesn’t.  See for more information.
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College Appeals & Negotiations Case Studies

College Appeals & Negotiations Case Studies, Special Circumstances and a Pearl “Dr. Laura” Moment   College Advisors Pearl and Andy Lockwood chat on their weekly show, College Talk Tuesday about some live, actual...
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Ironic New College Admissions Scandal

Ironic new college admissions scandal stuff, the title of Rick Singer’s keynote speech to Morgan Stanley and other brokerages (too funny, can’t make this stuff up) and Felicity Huffman’s ancestors.  And a current...
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