Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.
The College Admissions Edge

The College Admissions Edge

Hosted by: Pearl and Andy Lockwood

College admissions tips , strategies and various & sundry, not necessarily politically-correct thoughts on the whole college application and scholarships kit and kaboodle. Brought to you by Pearl and Andy...

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“Secrets” of Paying Wholesale Prices for College…No Matter What You Earn

“Secrets” of Paying Wholesale Prices for College…No Matter What You Earn Originally a live webinar,  topics included: *How six-figure-earning families can qualify for tuition discounts of 49.1% or more * How the...
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“Secrets” of Paying Wholesale Prices for College…No Matter What You Earn

“Secrets” of Paying Wholesale Prices for College…No Matter What You Earn Originally a live webinar,  topics included: *How six-figure-earning families can qualify for tuition discounts of 49.1% or more * How the...
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Parent Self-Sabotages Financial Aid Award

Gather round the podcast fire and I’ll tell you the sad tale of a parent – actually, two different parents — who shot themselves in the collected feet by committing two EASILY avoidable, silly mistakes.   I’m not...
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Weird Technique to Bust College Essay Writer’s Block

So there I was, driving around the North Shore of Long Island, when it dawned on me why so many kids have such huge angst over their college essays!   As I came to a stop near the historic William Cullen Bryant...
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The College Gold Rush

I recorded this episode at a marketing conference in San Diego, which prompted several brain “poofs” that I thought I’d pass along.   The most important idea is about recognizing opportunities, and taking advantage of...
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Why Colleges Don’t Tell You Exactly How to Qualify for Merit Scholarships

This episode was originally recorded on our weekly show, College Talk Tuesday ( when we discussed what Andy learned at a national college planners conference in Charleston the previous...
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What Happens If You Get “Dinged” From An Ivy League College

I recorded this on March 28th, a/k/a “Ivy Day,” when college acceptance decisions from Ivy League colleges come out.   Thus far this cycle, our client have been admitted to top colleges such as Stanford, Yale, Cornell...
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Impromptu College Planning “Secrets”

This recording was originally a last minute broadcast to my Facebook page, cooked up because a Nor’Easter caused a live workshop at local library to be cancelled.   I took a bunch of questions from parents, I bet you...
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The Talk

This time of year (March) is when many HS seniors have heard back from most of their colleges.   Frequently, kids and parents are at odds about which college to attend.  More often than not, the kid wants to attend...
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College Planning Q&A “Open Mic Night”

This was a fun event – we went on our Facebook page and spent an hour answering questions, many of which were pre-submitted, but a ton came in on the fly.   There was zero presentation, script, slides or costumes –...
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Real World Financial Education For High School & College Students

OK, this is one of the most important episodes that I will ever record.  It’s chock full of advice that I wish I received in high school.   I interviewed a friend who is a financial planner and author, Chris Jones,...
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The Mental Side Of Test Prep

In this episode, I interview our all-star tutor, Marissa, about the differences between the SAT and ACT, and how to figure out which test is best.   Marissa has been working with Lockwood Test Prep for about a year...
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