Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

FINAL NOTICE: Financial Aid Webinar

Hey now, I'm about to go live on tonight's webinar, (partially) titled, How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think you can't possibly qualify for anything.

Do you find that description to be as snazzy and eye-catching as I do? 

Even if you don't, I have good news, you can still come join us!  Click the pumpkin-colored button below and you'll be whisked over to the webinar dungeon...



See you soon!.

- Count Andrew Von Lockwuud

Undead College Advisor

P.S.  Here's the short list of tonight's topics:

*The new, not improved financial aid formula and how it affects your eligibility for aid (esp. if you have more than one kid in college, own a business or are divorced/divorcing)

*How to negotiate with a college after it's so-called "final" award

*How to legally "hide" your savings from the prying eyes of the Department of Education and your college financial aid offices

*More, including your questions, 'cause we'll be live (and somehow, undead) in the chat!...

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Tonight: Financial Aid Nightmare Banished!

If one or more of your Children of the Night is headed to college in the next couple of years...

...and you're just now learning how much you'll have to shell out in tuition, I've got good news:

You're NOT starring in your own horror movie. 

Tonight, we'll show you how to navigate the financial aid process so that you can comfortably afford college, without scrimping on your lifestyle or racking up tens of thousands -- or hundreds of thousands -- of dollars in debt (that was my personal nightmare,  between college and law school).

Pearl and have assembled a little webinar just for you tonight, to discover the "dark arts" of financial aid.  Here's what's brewing:

*The new, not improved financial aid formula and how it affects your eligibility for aid (esp. if you have more than one kid in college, own a business or are divorced/divorcing)

*How to negotiate with a college after it's so-called "final" award

*How to legally "hide" your savings from the prying eyes of the Department ...

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Early Decision and Your Financial Aid

Good morning!

We're hitting the airwaves this morning -- 10:00am EST --  for College Coffee Talk, our live show about college admissions and financial aid news that you can use!  

Here's what's on tap for today:

Does applying Early Decision or Early Action hurt your chances of financial aid and scholarships?

Tune In!


Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it)

- Andy Lockwood

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[LIVE] Financial Aid Secrets Workshop

Financial Aid Workshop 

I'll keep this quick like a bunny because we're all busy and I don't know if I'll do this again this year.   

We're hitting their airwaves with our online class, How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%..Even if you think you can't possibly qualify,  tonight, 7:30pm EST.

Here's where to go, hope you can make it!



- Andy "Not Quite Ready for Prime Time" Lockwood

P.S.  Reminder of tonight's topics: 

*How to "hide" your money from the financial aid office, legally and ethically

*How to negotiate a scholarship or financial aid award

*How high income and ultra affluent families can qualify for tuition discounts of 25%, 33% or even 56.1%, guilt-free

*10 deadly, self-inflicted financial aid mistakes overwhelmed families make before they apply to college (and how to avoid them)

*The disappointing state of last year's "Simplified"  (HAH!) FAFSA rollout and now to cope with more delays and mistakes that seem inevitable this year

*Special tips for bu...

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"Hide" Your Savings from the Financial Aid Office

Financial Aid Workshop | SAT / ACT Prep

I'm back at it again, re-running the financial aid strategies webinar, How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think you can't possibly qualify for anything

It happens tomorrow night, 9/25/24.

If you're interested in learning how to qualify for scholarships and financial aid, even if other people think you don't deserve it, I recommend that you attend this free workshop.  I'm running it again because a bunch of the 339 folks who originally signed up couldn't make it and requested a replay.  

Topics include:

*How to "hide" your money from the financial aid office, legally and ethically

*How to negotiate a scholarship or financial aid award

*How high income and ultra affluent families can qualify for tuition discounts of 25%, 33% or even 56.1%, guilt-free

*10 deadly, self-inflicted financial aid mistakes overwhelmed families make before they apply to college (and how to avoid them)

*The disappointing state of last year's "Simpl...

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Financial Aid Options for Affluent Families?

Good morning!

We're hitting the airwaves this morning -- 10:00am EST --  for College Coffee Talk, our live show about college admissions and financial aid news that you can use!  

Here's what's on tap for today:

What financial aid options are available for affluent families?

Plus, the latest (crappy) updates on the FAFSApocalypse, and how they'll affect financial aid this coming year.

Tune In!


Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it)

- Andy Lockwood

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Beware Hidden College Costs

Good morning!

We're hitting the airwaves this morning  with college cost-cutting news you can use -- 10:00am EST --  for College Coffee Talk, our live show about all things college admissions and financial aid!  

Here's what's on tap for today:  

"Hidden" College Costs and How to Defend Yourself

This episode is worth thousands of dollars, even though it's free!  Here's where to join us...

Tune In!


Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it). 

Feel free to pass this invitation along as you see fit.

- Andy Lockwood

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Harvard: "Safety School?"

op of the morning!

We're hitting the airwaves in few moments -- 10:00am EST --  for College Coffee Talk, our live show about college admissions and financial aid news that you can use!  

Here's what's on tap for today:

The FAFSApocalypse:  signs of relief?

Harvard:  Safety School?

The First 100K per year college

More - we'll be live and chatting away with you if you have any "burning" questions you need!

Here's where to join me, Pearl and Zuck on our Facebook page:



Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it)

- Andy Lockwood

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The New Rules of Financial Aid

Everyone knows that the cost of college is waaaaaay of hand...

...except the Department of Education, it appears.

This year, they're implementing the largest overhaul of the rules about financial aid eligibility in 40 years.

I've seen these new rules, and they ain't pretty, for the most part.  Actually, they're pretty damn anti-middle class.

One of the changes that hits close to home for me, personally, is the one that pulls off the table the credit, or "discount" in the rules for families with multiple children in college.  I have three kids in college, which is why I'm taking this personally.  But it's not just me, 60% of families have more than one child in college.

Under the old rules, if you had two in college, your eligibility would be DOUBLE that of someone with the same income, savings, etc. but only one child in college.  

Now, both families are eligible for the same amount.  Even a family with quintuplets would be treated the same way as a family with one child.  (We ha...

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This Fall's FAFSApocalypse

At 7:31 am I was on a morning news show that Pearl and I couldn't figure out how to watch, discussing the pending changes in financial aid, including the elimination of the "sibling discount."

As usual, I didn't have enough time to delve into all of the items I felt were important, possibly because the producers didn't want to put their audience to sleep.

So I decided to throw together a last minute, quickie webinar on the new rules of financial aid and what they mean for you, tomorrow night, to walk you through what you need to know if you're applying for financial aid for the upcoming year and/or beyond.

Here's some of what's on tap for tomorrow night:

*Rules changes for families with more than one child in college

*Rules changes for business owners

*Rules changes for divorced families

*Rules changes for how contributions from grandparents or others are treated in the financial aid formulas​​​​​​​

*Changes in the timing of when you file

*The effect of the changes on studen...

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50% Complete

10 Ways Families Screw Up Their College Admissions and Financial Aid Results...and how to avoid them!

Get this unusual but valuable information now -- while it's still available!