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"Hide" Your Savings from the Financial Aid Office

Financial Aid Workshop | SAT / ACT Prep

I'm back at it again, re-running the financial aid strategies webinar, How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think you can't possibly qualify for anything

It happens tomorrow night, 9/25/24.

If you're interested in learning how to qualify for scholarships and financial aid, even if other people think you don't deserve it, I recommend that you attend this free workshop.  I'm running it again because a bunch of the 339 folks who originally signed up couldn't make it and requested a replay.  

Topics include:

*How to "hide" your money from the financial aid office, legally and ethically

*How to negotiate a scholarship or financial aid award

*How high income and ultra affluent families can qualify for tuition discounts of 25%, 33% or even 56.1%, guilt-free

*10 deadly, self-inflicted financial aid mistakes overwhelmed families make before they apply to college (and how to avoid them)

*The disappointing state of last year's "Simplified"  (HAH!) FAFSA rollout and now to cope with more delays and mistakes that seem inevitable this year

*Special tips for business owners and other self-employed families

*The New Rules about divorced families 

Here's the page with all the details:


There's no charge to attend and nothing to purchase.

WARNING: You will not hear these strategies at your high school's "college night" or the next college fair you attend, where the speaker is employed by a local college that doesn't want you to know the whole truth about how to squeeze all the financial aid juice out of them.

Some of the information could, in fact, flat-out contradict what you heard or thought you knew.

Sign up here:

Learn more...


See you in class :)

- Andy "He's Back, Like a Bad Rash" Lockwood

P.S.  Please share this with anyone you know who could use this info. They won't stumble across It anywhere else.

P.P.S.  There's nothing to buy on the webinar but attendees will receive a special "scholarship" that can be applied toward our financial aid consulting and forms preparation service.  Discussed only at the end of the class.


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