In just a few short hours (depending on when you're reading this), the special $200 "scholarship" (discount) on The Art of The College Deal disappears.
(Coupon code APPEAL200).
This is your last chance to:
Get a personal review and edit of your appeal letter
Use our proven strategies and templates to craft the most persuasive argument possible so that you get more financial aid than you were offered initially
Avoid making a $9,800 mistake
If you don’t act, you’ll always wonder: Could I have gotten more?
Could I have made her dream school affordable?
Why did I think that selling a kidney was a good way to pay for college?
It’s time to stop wondering – stop REGRETTING – and start doing, baby.
Hop on over and jump in before midnight, or miss out on this golden opportunity!
Your child’s – and your – future is too important to roll the dice on.
Here's where to take care of business.
Use the code APPEAL200 to claim your instant scholarship (discount) of 200 smackers!
I get it—college is overwhelming. I have three kids in college myself!
But I wanted to remind you about the promo deal to help you get MORE aid and scholarships than you were offered by your colleges: The Art of the College Deal (coupon code APPEAL200).
if you let this pass you by, your child might not be able to go to the school she worked so hard to get into.
Colleges are BUSINESSES. They don't always give you their highest and best offer out of the gate. Why should they, or any business, charge less, voluntarily?
Any business except those that are more pure than the driven snow, that is. Businesses like Lockwood College Prep that offer you a whopping $200 off an incredibly helpful, valuable service!
Hah. I'm being a tad sarcastic. But all kidding aside, I really DO want to help you comfortably afford college for your kiddos. That's why I'm bending over backwards to get this into your hands and running this special promo.
You have 48 hours to claim your $200 instant "scholars...
It's me, Andy, again, with another fun fact about financial aid and scholarships:
Colleges are deliberately vague about financial aid. Ever notice that they never publish a "recipe" for scholarships?
As in, "If you have a GPA of X, and SATs of Y, you'll get the Super Duper Chancellor's Presidential VIP Scholarship of $25,000."
You won't find specific information like that on 99% of the college websites out there.
But then, once you GET a financial aid or scholarship award, things won't necessarily get more clear.
Instead, they make it confusing so you don’t notice when they leave money off the table.
You might miss it at first, but as you tally up the actual, free money (grants and scholarships) offer, compared to the actual COST of college, you might be left scratching your head and wondering,
“Where’s the beef?”Â
That’s why I created the "Art of the College Deal" Financial Aid Negotiation and Appeals Training.
I’ll walk you through exactly how to decode your award letter, s...
In the not-so-distant past, an Oyster Bay (Long Island) family received a financial aid offer from The University of Spoiled Children out in LA: $23,518.
Not too shabby!
Alexa, was PSYCHED!. She got into her dream school!
But dad, Rick, although happy for her, was sweating bullets. Even after the $23K and change offer, USC was still going to cost him a pretty penny.
Rick told Alexa the devastating news:Â unless USC sweetened their offer, he could not afford to send her to her top choice college.
Alexa thought it was all over, and sank into a foul mood. Rick thought she'd never shake it.
But that's when he and I rolled up our sleeves and went to work, using the exact same techniques waiting for you to discover inside my “Art of the College Deal”  Financial Aid Negotiation and Appeals Training.
(Coupon code APPEAL200)
We wrote up an appeal that persuasively advocated how USC had misinterpreted Rick's FAFSA and CSS Profile, and WHY they deserved more.
Most families blindly accept their first financial aid offer because they think they're stuck: it's the final, best offer they're gonna get and that's it.
That’s exactly what colleges bank on. Literally.
But here’s the truth: Aid is negotiable.
Take, for example, the Baumhakls, restaurant owners in Oregon. A year ago, they received an offer from an elite liberal arts private college for their son and assumed they didn’t qualify for more aid.
But after we used the exact same strategies that I lay out in my “Art of the College Deal”  Financial Aid Negotiation and Appeals Training, they ultimately secured an extra $9,800 of grants - that's free money that doesn't have to be repaid!
I expect that to be $9,800 per year, actually. Not bad for a simple email!
This could happen for you.
This week only, you can get in for $200 off my “Done With You” workshop —but the price goes up Sunday at midnight.
Claim your discount now → Learn more and sign up here.
Use coupon code APPEAL200.
Your child worked her heart out for years. The late nights, excessive AP classes, insane extracurriculars, laborious, excruciating essay writing and re-writing...
...all to earn a spot at her dream school!
But now, after everything, the euphoria wears off and she finally gets her financial aid letter. It’s a gut punch.
The numbers defy common sense. "They want us to pay WHAT?" What planet do these financial aid officers live on?
They think you can afford way more than you can—but they don’t care if you drain your savings or take on massive student and parent debt. But...
Here’s what they don’t want you to know:Â
You can fight back. And I’ll show you how.
I’ve been criticized all over the internet for doing this, but I don’t care, because I don't want to see another kid not go to the college he deserved to attend...
...or another family needlessly rack up mountains of debt (student and parent), creating a deep financial hole that could take decades to crawl out from under (this...
Good morning - today on College Coffee Talk (10AM EST)Â Pearl and I will walk you through how to negotiate more cashola from your college if they "lowballed" you for scholarships or financial aid!
Join us in a few minutes, live or replay (same spot, our Facebook page):
Hope you can stop by!
- Andy "The Art of the College Deal" Lockwood
P.S. Did you know you could ask for more aid? Many parents don't.
See, you already learned something today! (Take the rest of the day off.)
Let’s be honest: being accepted to a top college is harder than getting your kid to make their bed and occasionally turn off a light, but when it comes to paying for college…
It's like the financial aid process punishes responsible families!
Saved money for college? Too bad—colleges expect you to drain it all and fork it over.
Lived within your means? No reward for that—other than a bigger tuition bill.
Your neighbor spends everything on Instagram-worthy vacations, luxury cars and five star restaurants, saving nothing? They get more financial aid, while you get to pay Full Boat!
It’s unfair. But here's the thing...
The system works. Because it's not supposed to be fair!
But here's something you need to understand....
You don’t have to let these rip-off colleges hit you where the sun don’t shine! Because...
Paying full price is a choice, not an obligation!
THIS AFTERNOON AT 1PM, in our free, must-attend webinar, The College Admissions Cheat Code, we’re revealing how to beat th...
Admissions "Cheat Code" Webinar
I meant to tell you about the webinar I'm running tomorrow (Wednesday 2/5), not the one in November (also scheduled but too early for registrations).
The sign up page is correct, but this morning's email mentioned the future, November event instead of tomorrow's.
My mistake!
But you can sign up for tomorrow's webinar here:
- Andy "2nd Time's The Charm" Lockwood
P.S.  Topics for tomorrow's presentation include:
 The shocking percentage of families who pay full price for college—and how to avoid becoming one of them
 Why students with weaker GPAs and lower SAT scores STILL get into elite schools
 The hidden factors that REALLY matter in admissions (it’s not what they tell you and they’re not all politically correct)
 How financial aid is designed to punish families who saved—and how to fight back and beat the colleges at their own game
 How to negotiate for MORE money after your so-called “Final Offer” (yes, it...
I wanted to give you a heads up that this year, like virtually every year past, we've had multiple students get into multiple Ivy League and other elite colleges. Even two of my own four kiddos cracked the Ivy code in the past couple of years.
They've all used what I call the Admissions Edge Method, to stand out on their applications, answering the Invisible Question that's technically not on the Common Application...
Why Should We Choose YOU Compared to 20,000 Near-Identical Competitors?
The Admissions Edge draws heavily on marketing principles (like this email. I eat my own cooking). Because college admissions is largely about marketing, not a meritocracy.
I wish that weren't the case, but I calls 'em like I sees 'em.
It takes more than high (inflated) grades and near-perfect SAT or ACT scores to be a contender at a top college today. Some factors are in your control, many are not.
I'll be sharing these fact, theories and strategies tonight, Wednesday,January 15 and tomorrow...
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