Your child worked her heart out for years. The late nights, excessive AP classes, insane extracurriculars, laborious, excruciating essay writing and re-writing...
...all to earn a spot at her dream school!
But now, after everything, the euphoria wears off and she finally gets her financial aid letter. It’s a gut punch.
The numbers defy common sense. "They want us to pay WHAT?" What planet do these financial aid officers live on?
They think you can afford way more than you can—but they don’t care if you drain your savings or take on massive student and parent debt. But...
Here’s what they don’t want you to know:
You can fight back. And I’ll show you how.
I’ve been criticized all over the internet for doing this, but I don’t care, because I don't want to see another kid not go to the college he deserved to attend...
...or another family needlessly rack up mountains of debt (student and parent), creating a deep financial hole that could take decades to crawl out from under (this is exactly what happened to me, fyi).
For this week only, you can get into my “Art of the College Deal” Financial Aid Negotiation and Appeals Training for $200 off.
It's a "done with you", how-to-negotiate, on demand workshop, with a paint-by-numbers set of templates of actual appeal letters that worked, plus a personal review/edit of your appeal letter, courtesy of moi (limit: 12).
It's based on more than a decade of experience of "in the trenches" negotiations with colleges on behalf of my clients. It's not theoretical or abstract.
It's all described -- along with actual "before and after" examples that prove my college negotiation superpowers -- on this information page:
Enroll now for only $297 (before the price jumps to $497)
Use coupon code APPEAL200
(Wait for the cart to update before checking out).
Those templates cover Special Circumstance information that financial aid offices typically respond to, including:
Drop in income
Increased, unusual expenses
Better offers from other colleges (scholarships and financial aid)
This done-with-you training will show you exactly how to negotiate your offer, avoid costly mistakes, and secure thousands more in scholarships and aid—without spending hours trying to figure it out yourself.
PLUS: When you sign up before Sunday, 2/17 at midnight, you’ll get:
A personal review of your appeal letter (I’ll make sure you don’t leave money on the table and help you “punch up” your letter so it’s as effective as it can be!)
Several copy-paste appeal letter templates so you’re not staring at a blank page wondering where to start
A financial aid offer comparison tool to decode your award letter (they can be more complicated than you'd think) and make the best decision with a clear head
Your child did her part—don’t let her down now.
Claim your $200 discount before it’s gone → Sign up here - coupon code APPEAL200
(Doors close Sunday at midnight. No exceptions.)
- Andy "What's the Deal?" Lockwood
P.S. Don’t worry, if you ask for more, they won’t scream “No soup for you!” and rescind their offer of admission.
Your college may ask you to complete some additional paperwork (yay, more paperwork!) and have you write up a letter of explanation.
Your explanation is “do or die.” You get one bite at the apple.
Enroll in our special promo deal today and I’ll walk you through EXACTLY what to say…and what NOT to say, under any circumstances.
And if you sign up by deadline, I’ll even look over your shoulder and edit your appeal letter, before you send it!
This way I can catch any mistakes you may have inadvertently made, before you show them to the financial aid office!
But you must sign up by deadline. There are only so many letters I can read before my aging eyes get blurry and lazy :)
Coupon code APPEAL200.
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