Admissions officers will spend 3-7 MINUTES reviewing your child's college application – if you don’t have a clue about how to make your child "stand out" from the 30,000-90,000 applications they’ll receive, this invitation is for you…
Don't roll the dice and just *HOPE* your child can somehow lands a spot at his or her Dream College...Each year, applying to college becomes more confusing, stressful and, for many students, heartbreaking! Things are shaping up to be equally tough -- or harder and more chaotic -- for the Class of 2026...
The world is upside down for current seniors as I write this.
The MOST deferrals ever, plus wait lists and rejections have CRUSHED top students’ dreams...
...even at their “Safety Schools!”
Admission rates at Ivy League colleges and other competitive colleges have PLUMMETED into the single digits (Boston College: supposedly 5% at the time of writing!), due largely to test-optional policies, which created a tsunami of applications that flooded colleges in unprecedented numbers:
Common Application submissions are up a whopping 30% compared to pre-pandemic levels...
When you factor changing institutional goals, embraced by admissions directors to reflect current political headwinds, you can clearly see what caused shock, disbelief and heartbreak from coast to coast this year...
And that's just the moms!
It's bad for kids too. Really bad.
Especially for the deserving ones who worked their tails off throughout high school but lost out to "less qualified" candidates!
If you have a high school junior who's getting ready to apply to college, you should be asking yourself...
Today, more than ever, great grades and a high SAT or ACT aren't nearly enough.
This is NOT the year to have your head in the sand. You can't just lazily sit back and assume that you'll get in where you "deserve" to be admitted.
Even if your guidance counselor says that you can!
It's critically important for college applicants to put in the EXTRA work to stand out, so that they GET IN.
Here's a dirty little secret about college admissions officers: they SKIM applications.
At Ivy, "Ivy Plus" and other highly competitive colleges, admissions officers devote, on average, a whopping six minutes to review an entire application! That means transcripts, test scores, teacher recommendations, extracurricular activities, essays and more.
All in six, measly minutes.
They read approximately 1,000 applications per year, and their eyes glaze over after a while. They're human beings, after all. That means...
Your application must "pop" from the get-go if you want a shot at getting into a top college!
It's not just the Ivies and the rest of the top 30 colleges, by the way. Last week, I met with one of our Essay Advisors, Nick, at a local cigar bar. His main gig is a senior director of admissions at a NYC metro area college. And he was EXHAUSTED.
Nick told me he read 2,400 applications last year! He averaged three-four minutes per, best guess.
Here's what this means for you and your aspiring college applicant...
Tonight, if you asked your child to answer the question, "Why should a college accept YOU?", how would they respond?
Most kids have no clue, if they're being honest.
Or they come up with a non-answer that sounds like something they think admissions officers want to hear, but could pertain to almost every college applicant!
"I have a 94 GPA."
"I'm in National Honor Society."
I'm an extremely "hard worker."
And "passionate," of course.
A average? A's are the most popular grade in high school. Grade inflation is RAMPANT. There are no C students anymore.
Honor Society? Welcome to the top 70% of your class. Can you say "Academic Participation Trophy?"
While I’m on this mini-rant, here’s my new pet theory:
EVERYONE applying to college is a "leader." They're all in charge! There are no followers applying to college.
I'm being facetious, but you get the point..
Most kids have NO freaking idea of how to capture admissions officers' attention, hearts and minds and PERSUADE them why they should be admitted to the school of their dreams!
That goes double for parents, who are even more in the dark than their kids.
They think things are "the same as when they applied" (even though they hand wrote their essays!).
You know, back in ancient times, when Northeastern and U Miami accepted 90% of applicants if they could write a check (or borrow the funds), and fog a mirror. Kids from my suburban Boston high school went there because they couldn't get into any other college.
Now, Northeastern receives 100,000 applications, admits less than 6% of applicants, and has achieved elite status.
It's a whole new world. The college process today is unrecognizable, overcomplicated and extremely confusing and stressful.
But that's exactly why we're offering...
Dreading the inevitable prospect of screaming at your child all summer (and fall, realistically) about doing those d-mn college applications? Don't worry: "Your Kid Is OUR Project, Now!" Here are the main areas covered in the Bootcamp...
Expert "insider" instruction, brainstorming and editing re: what should go into each and every essay so that it "Sells” -- and, equally important -- what to leave out! (Hint: think twice about that mental health essay!)
"Positioning" is a marketing term. We use the same concept to help our bootcampers answer the Invisible Question on the Common App, "Why should we take YOU compared to tens of thousands of competitors with the same grades and test scores?"
WE are the drill sergeant. Not you. We help bootcampers create a schedule and structure of what needs to be done, when. Your child will know exactly what tasks they must complete so they don't blow any key deadlines or opportunities.
Monthly, live, open coaching calls during the school year (recorded if you can't make it). Then, five (5) summer Drafting Session working meetings to roll up your sleeves and get the essays drafted and even done! Led by Andy Lockwood and the team of Ivy League essay editors! Drafting Sessions will be on Sunday mornings, July and August, two per month, plus one in September (total: 5)
Get a jump start and supplement your live instruction with immediate on-demand access to our "Incomparable Applicant Master Class," a series of videos and expert, "insider" advice about the essays and applications from former admissions officers from U Chicago and other elite institutions. (Not the same old, same old you'd get from an English teacher or tutor with zero experience in college admissions.)
Key timelines, milestones and accountability so you never blow a deadline or wonder "What should I be doing now?", because we'll help you stay on top of'll always know EXACTLY when everything is due.
Completely candid photo from summer of 2019. Not forced.
Andrew Lockwood, J.D. is the best selling author of several books, including College Essay Insider Secrets and How to Get Into Your Dream College Without Lying Bribing or Photoshopping and, along with his wife Pearl Lockwood, co-founder of Lockwood College Prep. Each year he personally mentors select students who gain admission to colleges such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, Duke, Notre Dame, MIT and numerous other elite and competitive institutions of higher education.
Total Value of Bonuses: $1,497
Let me be blunt...
The Bootcamp program is a series of WORKshops. Emphasis on "work."
This isn't a passive, sit on your butt class. Our Bootcampers will BRAINSTORM, DRAFT AND REDRAFT their Common Application and essays until their eyeballs and fingertips bleed!
Just kidding about the bleeding stuff, but do NOT enroll if your child is just going to sit there like a lump, unwilling to roll up their sleeves and take care of business.
Your child will be a member of a small, chosen, elite group of motivated, high achievers. If he's a dud or otherwise a bad influence, that will affect the energy in the room. We don't need any Negative Nellies around to poison the motivation level of the rest of the class.
Call or email us with any questions BEFORE you enroll: 516-882-5464 or [email protected].
Let's talk turkey. There's one popular option that's $17,328. And that's limited only to essay writing! Not college lists, the actual applications, advice on scholarships and financial aid (like ours).
There are other, similarly-priced options that take place in other countries at beach resorts. I'm serious.
To be fair, 1:1 college advisory clients pay $12,000 to work with Lockwood College Prep, and $25,000 and up to work privately with Andy Lockwood. Those programs are for individual college consulting and stretch out for months, or more frequently, over a year or two.
Our private clients fork over these amounts unblinkingly because of the RESULTS they achieve - admission to the top colleges in the country, not to mention generous merit scholarships.
Obviously, these amounts aren't within reach of most families. I wanted to create a more budget-friendly way for you to receive the same guidance in a group setting.
Tuition for the Bootcamp is nowhere near $25,000. Or $12,000.
It's actually way LESS THAN HALF of $12,000...
The best deal is the 1-pay option -- 3,495, but you can also spread out your tuition in 3 easy cash flow-friendly monthly payments of 1,285
Pick the option that works best for you, before the tuition increases or we run out of spots!
(Seats are first-come, first-served. We've sold out every year.)
Gee, it almost looks like they're having fun. That's false advertising. But more importantly, they're getting sh*t D-O-N-E!
Time flies - before you know it, Junior year will be over, summer will end and school will start up again...with DOUBLE the pressure as 11th grade! Then, November 1 and other application deadlines will be here!
Our Bootcamp will be your child's GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to focus on everything the need to do to shine on their college applications, well before they get back to school and wrapped up in regular classwork, clubs, sports, extra-curricular activities, socializing and all of the other aspects of teenage life today.
It's much better for you, your relationship with your son or daughter and everyone if you take care of this now!
Enroll today and you'll your kid away from Snapchat, Instagram, the Dreaded Tik Tok and other distractions...
...You'll say "buh-bye" to them, maybe actually relax for a few hours (crazy idea!)...and by the end of the summer they should have completed their applications, Common Application essay and up to three supplemental essays.
And the best part...
I needed help with my essays and I knew my English teacher would be useless. Thank you!
Julia Petrini, admitted to Brown, Penn
Hi Andy, I just wanted to let you know that I was admitted to Stanford REA yesterday. Thanks to you and the rest of the team for all the help so far!
Kevin Martin, admitted to Stanford, Princeton, Brown
...the Cornell admissions person said that this was an incredibly competitive year and their applications really stood out! Guess who made all this possible? We are so grateful to you!
Julie Pareles, twin boys admitted to Cornell
I know a lot of college planners who promise results but don't deliver. In your case, I got real results. Other parents thank me for recommending you.
Dr. Dennis O'Hara, Superintendent, Islip School District
Thank you for your help with everything, especially the applications and essays!
Victorian Jakobsen, admitted to Vassar
We used Andy for the applications and essays. The whole thing was overwhelming, don't try this on your own!
We will be back with our younger daughter.
- Joe Iannone
Owner, Avellino's Pizzeria Garden City, NY
Sorry for the late text but it's Ivy Day! Looks like Jared is choosing from Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth and Amherst! It's a good day!
Patty Schwartz, Wantagh, New York
From the moment I walked into your office, I felt an enormous weight lifted off my shoulders.
Thank you for all that you have done for my precious girls.
Beth Sova, Scottsdale, Arizona
The Duke admissions officer said it was the best application she read.
Sophie R, Duke University, Class of 2023
Impossible Dream? No! This can be your REALITY! Sign up now, and picture how great you'll feel when your child tells you, "I'm done!"...and you didn't have to SCREAM, THREATEN OR EVEN LIFT A FINGER!!! (Limited to 12 students. Contact office for wait list if enrollment button doesn't work: 516.882.5464)
When is the best time to start?. I don't think you'll be surprised at this answer: in utero! Kidding. Sorta. But the earlier, the better, because there's so much to do to plan for college: visits, planning the SAT and ACT, developing a strategic, balanced and realistic college list, getting an HONEST evaluation of where your child stands re: admissions odds at your current colleges, not to mention figuring out financial aid and scholarships.
When are the bootcamp sessions? During the school year, we conduct monthly live, client only, "Here's What You Should Be Doing Now" workshops. This is your chance to pick our brains about any part of the college process, get extra group coaching, get all questions answered.
Then, over the summer, we step it up and get to work by offering four College Essay Drafting Sessions on Sundays, 9am-2pm, in July and August, plus a bonus session in September. These are blocks of uninterrupted time to get essays done and live editing and brainstorming feedback from Andy and his team.
We will also have supplemental Office Hours throughout the summer, Wednesday evenings, for kids and parents to drop in, ask questions, get feedback.
We will finalize and distribute the schedule by June 15. Recordings available if you can't make it live.
PLUS, when you enroll you get instant access to recordings of last year's Bootcamp, including on-demand college essays and applications advice straight from former college admissions officers...
...PLUS PLUS a live, "Fast Start" online kickoff class that takes place in June.
Where is the bootcamp? All sessions are online and in Glen Head, New York (Long Island) The summer Drafting Sessions (Sundays 9-2, 2x per month) are both online and in the office for local clients too. You’ll get a meeting invitation before each session.
How long is the bootcamp? Block out one hour for each Instructional Session, but they could go a little longer or shorter. (Recordings available).
How is the Bootcamp different from your other programs? The Bootcamp is a focused group coaching program that "fast tracks" the college application process. That's why it carries a much lower price than our college advising programs,
College advisory program fees for 11th graders range from $12,000-25,000 (the high end is for Andy's select, private clients and he's currently closed out for 11th graders) if we have availability. Depending on when you're reading this, we may not have any slots left. If interested, email [email protected]).
What should my child bring to the bootcamp? Summer sessions: If he or she has an outline or draft of the essay that would be a great start, but not necessary. Definitely bring a laptop, food and drink (but you better clean up after yourself, or you risk public ridicule).
Winter and spring sessions: all you need is something to take notes with, although we will provide written AI notes, taken by Andy's robot.
Can parents come to the bootcamp? No way (please tell me you're kidding)!
Will you write my kid's essay for him? Stop.
My kid has no idea what to write about for his college essay, is this a waste of money? That's the BEST reason to sign up.
Our high school offers a bootcamp. What's the difference between that and yours? My answer, based on years of experience, is that you won't get instruction or feedback from high level (Ivy League and similar) editors at your high school session, which is typically run by English teachers who are basically GUESSING what good essays look like, as they have never "been in the room where it happens."
Plus the scope of our instruction is probably five times the content provided by the school, and our program runs from January to the beginning of October.
In contrast, most high school bootcamps last one week and help kids produce a few decent, but not finalized, essays. (But no help with the college list, financial aid and nowhere near the personalized support we offer.)
My kid isn't motivated to do the work at the bootcamp, can I dump him on you?
Please DON'T. Kids need to come with a good attitude, we're running a small, collegial group. One bad apple can run the bunch. This is not the place for whiners or slackers, we are doing WORK.
Do you prorate the Bootcamp if we miss part of it? No, but we will have recordings of each session to help you catch up.
What is your refund policy? Our refund policy is that there are NO REFUNDS, because this is a small group class and the spot you take represents a seat that could have been sold to another family.
If your child spends each session playing video games or otherwise blowing off the advice, instruction and homework, that’s unfortunate, but it’s a “you problem.” Not ours.
We're coaches, but we can't "cut" any students. We can only lead them to water but cannot make them drink.
Again, please don’t sign him or her up if they’re not going to roll up their sleeves and get them fingers a clickin’ and a clackin’!!!
Note: If a genuine last minute emergency comes up that prevents participation we MAY, in our discretion, decide to partially credit you, but you will have to pass our BS Detector test.
If you have doubts about your child's level of commitment, you should probably take a pass on this offer.
If you'd like to set up a call, contact us at 516-882-5464 or email [email protected]. As long as we have spots available, we can speak before you enroll.
If in our opinion your child is not going to be a good fit (and it's not yet May 31) we will promptly and cheerfully suggest that you take a pass, because it will prevent you from wasting money and us from wasting time on an "uncoachable" student.
Another forced photo of kids being tortured in the summer of 2017. Feel the awkwardness!
If you have any questions or need clarification, email or call [email protected] / 516.882.5464 and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!
See you on the inside!
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