Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.
The College Admissions Edge

The College Admissions Edge

Hosted by: Pearl and Andy Lockwood

College admissions tips , strategies and various & sundry, not necessarily politically-correct thoughts on the whole college application and scholarships kit and kaboodle. Brought to you by Pearl and Andy...

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Don’t Let Colleges Rob You Blind

Description College consultant Andy Lockwood gives a brief tour of how financial aid works, including: *Need-based aid * Merit aid * "Tax Scholarships" for high income business owners The discussion included common...
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When the financial aid office gets it WRONG

Originally an episode of College Coffee Talk (Mondays 9am EST,, college consultants Pearl and Andy Lockwood discuss: -What's happening with financial aid for Class of 2022 seniors...
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The NEW SAT Changes and What They Mean For You

In this episode, college consultant Andy Lockwood of Lockwood College Prep interviews his head tutor, Marissa Uneberg about the College Board's announcement that they are changing the SAT! We covered: >When the...
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What happens if you don’t get into your “top choice”

Early Decision results are about to come out, but what happens if you don't get in? College advisory Andy Lockwood offers his take. See for more info.
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Eavesdrop on Advice to Clients

Each month we tell clients "Here's What You Should Be Doing Now," so that they never have to wonder about deadlines for applications, financial aid, when to visit colleges, more. In this session, I ranted (briefy)...
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Financial Aid FAQ: Live and unscripted, (9/30/21)

This episode was originally a live, unscripted off-the-cuff open mic session where college advisors Pearl and Andy Lockwood fielded questions from webinar attendees on the fly. Topics included: the FAFSA and CSS...
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SAT vs ACT: Which Test is Best?

It's rare for a day to go by without someone asking us at Lockwood College Prep which test should they take, the SAT or ACT? This episode outlines the key factors you should consider when deciding which standardized...
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SAT vs ACT Live Q&A

In this episode, college consultant Andy Lockwood grills Marissa Uneberg, Esq., head of tutoring at Lockwood Test Prep with several high stakes, gotta-know-em questions, including: What do you do if you have a kid...
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How to Bust College Essay Writers Block

College consultant Andy Lockwood shares some widespread obstacles facing college essay writers, and an "old school" way to bust through writer's block (that he uses personally). More info at and...
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How to Write a Gripping College Essay Even if You Haven’t Experienced Severe Trauma

Lots o' students and parents I speak with get hung up on the college essay about "obstacles." There seems to be one primary reason: Most kids don't have any. (Note to Internet trolls: I said "most," not "all." No need...
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On Teacher Recommendations

I've been getting a bunch of questions about teacher recommendations lately so I figured it could be on your mind. Here are some thoughts...  Resources mentioned in this episode: Email: ...
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How to Avoid College Admissions Armageddon – May 2021

This episode was originally a webinar broadcast in May 2021, after the admissions cycle for high school class of 2021 graduates wrapped up for the most part. I covered: Just how hard was it to get into college this...
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