Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.
The College Admissions Edge

The College Admissions Edge

Hosted by: Pearl and Andy Lockwood

College admissions tips , strategies and various & sundry, not necessarily politically-correct thoughts on the whole college application and scholarships kit and kaboodle. Brought to you by Pearl and Andy...

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Late Stage College Planning for Class of 2024 Families

College advisor Andy Lockwood shares tips and strategies on how to write college essays that "sell", how to position yourself for scholarships and financial aid, financial aid rules changes, to submit or not to submit...
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The New Rules of College Admissions and Financial Aid

Thoughts on the latest admissions and financial aid developments, including the new FAFSA rules, ChatGPT and college essays what test-optional policies mean for your kids, the impact of DEI (Diversity, Equity and...
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Decision Day

May 1 is the official housing deposit deadline for college-bound seniors, marking the end of a long, drawn out road to college. Or is it? In this episode, college advisor Andy Lockwood discusses the truth about this...
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Should You Submit Your SAT or ACT scores

College advisor Andy Lockwood grills SAT and ACT tutor Marissa U on the latest updates in the ever-changing world of standardized testing (SAT and ACT) including: *Test-optional policies and what they mean for your...
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How to Negotiate Financial Aid

Do's and don'ts for a successful financial aid appeal and merit aid negotiation For more details on how to appeal your award, see How to Negotiate Your Crappy Financial Aid and Merit Aid Offer by Andy Lockwood on...
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What's a Good SAT Score?

College advisor Andy Lockwood answers the frequently asked question, What's a good SAT (or ACT) score? For more information about Lockwood College Prep's premium college advisory programs, go to...
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Extracurricular Activities That Suck

Thoughts on how to screw up you Common Application Activities section
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The New Rules of Financial Aid

The New Rules of Financial Aid   The latest and news about proposed changes to the FAFSA and financial aid rules, and who/what they will affect, including:   Business owners   Families with two or more children in...
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The Inconvenient Truth About Honor Societies

How great is it to be in the National Honor Society? Or the NHSHSS?   For more information visit
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How Many Kids Lie on their College Application?

Shocking (yet not) information about kids who lie about their extracurricular activities, race, ethnicity and have others write their essays.
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What High School Classes Look Good for College Admissions?

College advisor Andy Lockwood gives his thoughts on what classes kids should take to give themselves the best shot at getting into the colleges they're dreaming of. What 11th graders, 10th graders and younger should...
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How to Appeal or Negotiate Financial Aid

How to Appeal or Negotiate Financial Aid Look over the shoulder of college advisor Andy Lockwood as he gives his monthly State of the Union workshop for his clients, so that they never have to wonder, "What should I...
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