Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.
The College Admissions Edge

The College Admissions Edge

Hosted by: Pearl and Andy Lockwood

College admissions tips , strategies and various & sundry, not necessarily politically-correct thoughts on the whole college application and scholarships kit and kaboodle. Brought to you by Pearl and Andy...

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How to Beat the Leprechauns in the Financial Aid Office

College Coffee Talk (originally aired 3/18/24 - Mondays 10am EST on A financial aid "hack" to beat the leprechauns in the financial aid office, another college pulls the plug on...
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Live Workshop at the Manhasset (NY) Library

Recording of Andy Lockwood's presentation to an intimate group of parents (including one with a First and Third Grader) in March 2024. Lockwood fielded a variety of questions, including: *How many times should you...
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Can My Kid Get Into Harvard?

From the Virtual Mailbag: Can your kid get into Harvard? Probably not. Well, maybe (although their published rate is currently in the 3% range, yikes!) We’ve helped a couple dozen kids get into Harvard over the years,...
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Post Mortem: The First Digital SAT

College Coffee Talk 3-11-24 (broadcast live on Feedback on the first digital SAT in the US What do do if your FAFSA info doesn't tell the whole truth Bombshell reasons for the FAFSA...
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Student Loan Relief Case Study -- Too Good to be True?

Originally broadcast on College Coffee Talk! [Mondays 10am EST, This live episode covered: *Student Loan Relief Case Study (that sounds too good to be true) *The digital SAT and...
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The Truth About Merit Scholarships

From the Virtual Mailbag: "How do we get merit aid?" College advisor and author Andy Lockwood reveals the ins and outs of how to get your mitts on merit aid.  More info at
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How to Write a Good College Essay

Ain't nothin' more stressful in the college process than writin' them essays! Trust me, I'm a college ad-vey-sor! Relax. Kidding. But writing essays is definitely the most stressful part of the process. I think you'll...
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The Mom Who Ripped Me

College Coffee Talk 2/22/24: The Mom Who Ripped Me a New One, Latest News and Predictions About Test-Optional, Student Loan Forgiveness Plans Update. (Originally an episode broadcast on our Facebook page,...
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Can My Accountant Help Me With Financial Aid?

Before you ask (beg) your accountant to help you with financial aid, listen to this short episode (originally a livestreamed video from the mailbag :) See for more info on our financial aid and...
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Bombshell Mistake Made By Parents

In this episode of College Coffee Talk (Mondays, 10am EST, college advisors Pearl and Andy Lockwood discuss the biggest mistake parents make, the latest on the FAFSA mess and delays,...
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Test Optional Announcement, FAFSA Delays - The Week That Was

College Coffee Talk is back! College advisors Pearl and Andy Lockwood pull out this weekly college news show from the vault and dust it off to cover the latest developments on test-optional trends, FAFSA delays,...
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The Little Lie About Financial Aid

Thoughts on the financial aid lawsuit involving Yale, Columbia, Duke, Brown, Emory, Penn, Georgetown, Cornell, Notre Dame, MIT, Cal Tech, Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, Northwestern and Rice...and the truth about so-called...
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