Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

New: Financial Aid "Secrets" for Families Who Think They Can't Qualify

Originally a live webinar on 3/20/24, college consultants Pearl and Andy Lockwood revealed how to comfortably afford college -- without cutting back on your lifestyle or racking up tens of thousands in high rate, high fee college debt (on your kid or you) -- by taking advantage of legal and ethical "loopholes" buried in the financial aid regulations.

Topics included:

  • How six figure and seven-figure earning families can qualify for tuition discounts of 56.2% even If their child did not crush the SAT, bribe a proctor or cure a pandemic over the summer
  • The strange reason an expensive private college can cost LESS than a “cheaper” state university
  • 4 Legal and Ethical Ways to "Hide" Your Money --The Wall Street Journal said it best: In financial aid, it's not how much you've saved, but WHERE
  • 7 Deadly Traps to Avoid - Thousands of families each year needlessly "steal from themselves" by committing these costly financial aid errors
  • The FAFSApocalpyse - The cluster-you-know-what caused by the Department of Education's efforts to "simplify" the FAFSA financial aid application and how they affect you
  • The 529: "Friend" or "Foe?" - What's the deal with the 529 college savings plan that your financial guy or accountant recommended? And what to do about it if you have one.
  • Self-Employed Parents - The biggest mistake business owners make. Plus little known "Tax Scholarships" buried in your business that your accountant has never bothered to advise you how to unearth
  • Negotiation Secrets: How a mild-mannered college advisor helped his client into a “windfall” of an ​additional $30,022 from an elite college AFTER its “final,” stingy award
  • Financial Aid Rules' "Tectonic" Changes for families with siblings in college, business owners, divorced families
  • More - webinar attendees had a lot of questions in the chat that we attempted to answer.   I bet you have some of the same ones!


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10 Ways Families Screw Up Their College Admissions and Financial Aid Results...and how to avoid them!

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