How will your child answer the question, “Why should we take YOU compared to these 50,000 other applicants with the same grades and test scores?

In literally the most competitive college admissions year ever, the college essay is the LAST, best chance to stand out...and get chosen in a "sea of sameness"...









The College Essay Lab©

"Insider" advice, brainstorming and editing of your child's college essay to help them stand out from THOUSANDS of near-identical competitor-applicants...and multiply their odds of admission to their Dream Colleges 

The College Essay Lab© is designed to help your child stand out against thousands of competitor-applicants like a diamond at a coal convention... maximize their chances of getting  into their "Dream College" that they're dying to attend... helping them create a polished, RIVETING, stand-out college essay that resonates with each admissions officer that reads it.  

This is more important than ever, with rampant grade inflation that makes it damn near impossible to determine how a child will perform in college...

...NOT TO MENTION mind-numbingly similar, even suspicious (thanks Lori and Felicity!) extracurriculars such as service trips, volunteering and clubs, glowing teacher and guidance counselor letters of recommendations plastered all over today's college applications!

It's not easy for an admissions officer to know what your child is REALLY bringing to the table.  

Nor is it a piece of cake for your poor kiddo to persuade his admissions officer that he deserves to be admitted.

Your child must state his case via a manner of writing never-before undertaken, unrecognizable to your average English teacher, and far different than any other writing assignment he encountered in school.

What makes your child different?

Forgive me for being blunt...

When your child applies to college, her grades, standardized test scores and other academic credentials could quite possibly be strong, but...

They will be damn near IDENTICAL to THOUSANDS  of other competitor-applicants.

At the larger state universities, possibly 90,000 -- or more -- applicants.

I'm not trying to offend or take anything away from your child.  I'm merely describing the truth about how things work.

Put another way:

How will she stand out and tell her story, the "closing argument" that convinces an admissions officer to roll out the red carpet and invite her to the exclusive party, behind the velvet ropes?

In a nutshell, that's precisely what kids' essays must do. 

The college essay is the last, best chance at persuading the admissions committee that YOU are The One.


Like Getting The Answers to the Test BEFORE You Take It  

Your average English teacher or college essay consultant may talk a good game, but there's one thing that they'll never admit about what it takes to write a good college essay:

They're guessing.

To quote the musical Hamilton, they have never "Been in the room where it happens."


"Reverse Engineer" Your Essay and Fast Track Your Way to Success

You'll hear directly from the horse’s mouth what TO write...and, equally important, what NOT to write. 

Your child will complete her essays quickly and efficiently, because she won't have any doubts about what direction to go. 

She won't have to wonder "Is this what they're looking for?" or stress out because "I have nothing to say!", because your essay advisor will pinpoint the parts of your draft that should be stricken, which should be amplified and when to change directions.

Equally important, they'll advise what NOT to write.

In other words, they will actually peel back the curtain and show you EXACTLY what they would have hoped and prayed they would see in your child's essay, were they transported a few years into the recent past, slogging through thousands of essays behind closed doors, back in The Day.

This is an INCREDIBLE, unique advantage and opportunity.

It's akin to getting the answers to a test, before you take it!

No "Guesswork"

You'll have confidence and clarity, because your advisor's experience is  based upon  reviewing and editing thousands of college essays.   



Here’s what you get when you enroll in the College Essay Lab©

  • One 60-90 minute “Deep Dive” session (Zoom or phone) with Andy Lockwood to 
    • Brainstorm and decide which direction to go with your Common Application Essay
    • Review your college list to ensure that it is balanced and strategic
    • Identify any strategies to qualify for need-based or merit-based aid
  • Up to five (5)  rounds of edits with your college essay advisor for the main, "Personal Statement" essay (we prefer to use Google Docs)
  • Up to five (5) calls / Zoom meetings with your essay advisor
  • Edits and advice on supplemental essays for up to five (5) colleges.  (If more is needed, we will work out a discounted rate.)
  • Final review/comments from Andy Lockwood (must be submitted a minimum of three business days before any application deadline)
  • Access to our “Incomparable Applicant Master Class” on-demand training on the Common Application Essay, supplemental essays, resumes, the college interview and more. NOTE:  Highly recommended to complete before the Deep Dive to give your student a leg up on what admissions officers want to see. (Value: $297).
  • ACCOUNTABILITY:  We'll keep your student on task so you don't have to scream and threaten them all summer

Note:  This is a fast-paced program, so your son or daughter needs to be on the ball and diligent about adhering to mutually agreed upon timelines for meetings and drafts.  We're looking to work only with kids who are committed to the process.  

Register Now and Give Your Child The Edge He or She Deserves...and Needs

Space limited. We stopped taking on clients last year and expect the same to happen this summer. Current availability for 12 students, first-come, first served. (Updated 6/15/23)



1 payment (best deal)




5 monthly payments


If you have any questions, mail [email protected] or call 516.882.5464

I needed someone to bounce ideas off of for the essays, it was great to have you.  

I knew my English teachers could not help me.  

Thank you!

- Julia Petrini, Brown University

The Cornell admissions person said that this was an incredibly competitive year and that we had exceptional applications and should be particularly proud.

Guess who who made all this possible?

We are so grateful to you. So much of the applications and essays were based on your sound advice.

Thanks again,

-Julie Pareles, Cornell Mom (2x)

Thank you for all your help throughout the entire challenging process, esp. with the applications and essays!

-Victorien Jakobsen, Vassar College

Hi Andy,

I just wanted to let you know that I was accepted to Stanford REA yesterday.

Thanks to you and the rest the team for all the help so far!

-Kevin Martin, Stanford University

(Also admitted to Princeton and Brown)


Harvard 2021!!!!

-Alex Fischthal, Harvard University

How Much Do The Essays "Count," Anyway?

In normal, non-pandemic years, it's frankly unclear how much the essays "count."

Is it 10%?  15%

Nobody really knows, partially because the answer varies.

If a child is a slam dunk to get into a "Safety School," he could probably write the essay in crayon and still be admitted.

HOWEVER, in cases where the applicant is "on the fence," that 10-15% can help nudge them over.

In today's turbulent times, with many high schools going pass/fail for the last quarter of 11th grade...

....and many colleges announcing temporary test-optional status...

That makes the REST of the application more important...

...Especially the essays!

Enroll today to give your child the edge she deserves!

If you have any questions, mail [email protected] or call 516.882.5464

Questions You Might Have

How is The College Essay Lab different than your other services such as your boot camp?

The boot camp is a group coaching session that lasts a day.  The College Essay Lab is 1:1 instruction and coaching, and will typically last four or more weeks to cover multiple edits for several essays.

Do you write the essays for your students?

No! We help brainstorm and polish.  But students (not us, and NOT parents) write the essays.  

My child's is a really good writer. Do you think she needs professional help with her essay?

Hard to say.  College essay writing is unlike anything else written for a high school assignment.  

That being said, if she's applying only to colleges where she is a slam dunk to get in, realistically speaking she may not need expert advice.

But if she has at least one "Dream School" on her list where her odds of admission are 50-50% or worse, then EVERY aspect of the application takes on more importance, including the essay. 

In this instance she should consider getting help, much the same way an elite athlete hires specialized expert coaching to help them against other elite competition (think Tom Brady, Tiger Woods or whomever your favorite athlete may be).

Does The College Essay Lab include financial aid or other services you offer?

No it does not, but if you are interested in financial aid consulting, college advising or test prep we can discuss and offer you a courtesy discount if you're a good fit for that particular program.



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