Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

The Nitty Gritty About Scholarships

If you like money, you'll want to watch the interview I just did with my friend and colleague, scholarship search expert and bundle of energy Jean O'Toole.

Here's the scoop on what we covered:

  • What's the deal with those weirdo, gimmicky, obscure or just plain wack-a-doo special scholarships that everyone talks about?
  • Which scholarship search websites are actually worth spending time on?
  • How to sniff out a scholarship scam and avoid getting ripped off
  • The best time to start your search for scholarships (this will surprise you)
  • The oddball reason corporations need you to take their scholarship money
  • How to win a scholarship for an "Invisible Disability"
  • A ninja way to "raid" high school scholarships -- Pretty sneaky, sis!
  • Are there really scholarships for families who don't qualify for financial aid?
  • The biggest mistake families make in the scholarship search process
  • More

This was a high energy, high octane interview, so I hope you check it out and get ready to take a whole lotta...

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