Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

Free SAT or ACT Class

We haven't done something like this in over a year, but I figured it was high time to dust if off and roll it out again. :)

Announcing:  a free, no-obligation "test drive" of ANY of our upcoming SAT or ACT prep classes, either in-person or online.  Here's how it works:

1. Check out our schedule in July and August.

2. Pick the class you want to sample, for free.

3. After the class, Marissa will offer our absolute best deal we can give and still keep the lights on and landlord happy.  This is a one-time, "exploding" offer that expires 24 hours after class.

4. There is no obligation or pressure to buy anything, just the forthcoming incentive to enroll with us.

Why are we doing this?

We just moved into brand spanking new offices in June, and are excited to fill the space with eager young, fresh students who want to CRUSH the SAT or ACT! 

(And our online classes. :)

Here's where to get all the details, and sign up.  This no-rise, free test-drive...

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