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Financial Aid "Loopholes" and "Landmines"

The Wall Street Journal said it best:

In financial aid, it's not how much you've saved, but where (paraphrasing).

The rules that dictate how much -- or how little -- you'll receive in college financial assistance are complicated and unfair to many who lived below their means and learn, too late, that they'll be penalized for their responsible behavior.

If that sounds like you, I recommend that you turn into our newest online class this coming Wednesday, September 18, called How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%...even if you think "No way!  Families like us NEVER qualify for any financial assistance."

One of the key topics I'll cover is that WSJ notion of "where," not "how much."  

Specifically, which types of savings accounts penalize you (reduce your eligibility) more than other types...

...and which are completely penalty-free.

In addition to strategies to get more cash for college, I'll go over at least 10 mistakes families make in the financial aid...

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