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Why High Income Families Overpay for College

Think you make too much for financial aid? Think again.

Most scholarships and aid actually go to high-income families—but colleges won’t tell you. They’d rather you shut up and write the check.

Join my free webinar, “How to Print Scholarships on Demand,” and I’ll show you how to slash your tuition bill by 56% or more, even if you think you can't possibly qualify for any type of aid.

πŸ“… Live on Wednesday, March 5
🎟️ Register here:

When you attend this free workshop, you’ll discover:
πŸ”₯ Why paying full price is for suckers (And why most people who do are clueless)
πŸ”₯ The secret formula colleges use to decide how much to gouge you
πŸ”₯ How to turn an empty, "Where's the beef??" award letter into a cash offer, only a little bit of groveling required

You have nothing to lose by attending this free workshop...

...except tens of thousands of dollarinos in tuition!

I hope to see you there!

Learn more...


- Andy "Here's The Beef" Lockwood

P.S.  That nickname sounds so wrong.  I was referring to the Wendy's commercial.

They don't all work.


50% Complete

10 Ways Families Screw Up Their College Admissions and Financial Aid Results...and how to avoid them!

Get this unusual but valuable information now -- while it's still available!