Picture this.
It’s December. It's a dark, chilly evening.
Your kid logs into their college admissions portal. You're trying not to hover or eavesdrop. Yet, here you are.
They click “View Decision,” their hands shaking, their stomach in knots.
The page struggles to load...Then, finally, you see the words:
"We regret to inform you…"
Maybe they don’t even finish reading. Maybe they slam their laptop shut, fighting back tears...while their friends celebrate acceptance letters from their dream schools.
Now you’re the one feeling sick. Could this have been avoided?
I won't pull punches. The answer is YES.
This year’s admissions cycle has been an absolute bloodbath.
Record-low acceptance rates
An explosion of applicants (even safety schools are rejecting top students)
Families losing out on five-figure scholarships because they didn’t know how to play the College Funding Game
But still…some students somehow beat long odds, and get in.
Many, “less qualified”.
And thousands of these students manage to land boatloads of merit aid.
So what’s the difference?
I'm sure you've heard some version of this, but it's important to really understand:
Your child has six minutes or less to grab the attention of, then PERSUADE an overworked, bleary-eyed admissions officer drowning in a “sea of sameness.”
20,000, 50,000, maybe 90,000 applicants with strong grades and SAT or ACT scores, who all basically look the same on paper.
If your kid can’t make their application pop—if they don’t know exactly what to say, how to say it, and what to leave out -- they’re toast..
That's what I mean by "Positioning." Your kid has to separate himself as an "Incomparable Applicant" so compelling that admissions officer would crawl naked over broken glass to admit him!
That’s why I created the College Application Edge Bootcamp—the same system that has helped our students get into Harvard, Stanford, Duke, and other top schools… and win massive scholarships in the process.
Normally, this program is $5,995, and parents gladly pay it because they want results
But this year, because we took on larger office space and have more room for students, I’m slashing tuition by 58%—down to just $3,495. (You can also join virtually.)
However, there’s one catch;
There are only 12 seats - in person and online, combined (and this email is going out to more than 11,000 people). When they’re gone, they’re gone. No exceptions.
Check it out here to learn more and grab one before they disappear.
- Andy "Drop And Give 20...Essays!" Lockwood
P.S. March 1, midnight. That’s the deadline. If we hit 12 enrollments before then, the deal disappears even faster. You won’t see a better price on this, ever. Don’t wait.
(I know that may seem harsh, but it’s good training for the college application process. You can’t get extensions for Early Decision applications, or the FAFSA either!)
P.P.S. What’s the difference between the Bootcamp versus our premium, 1:1 private college advisory services? This is a small group program, with individual “break out” meetings mixed into every session.
Our premium 1:1 college advising is 100% individualized. Reply to this email if interested.
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