Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

The 529. The FAFSA. The CSS Profile.

Uncategorized Oct 24, 2023

Yesterday I threw out an email about tomorrow's webinar, asking you what questions you wanted answered.

The webinar, cleverly enough, is called, Finally!  Your Financial Aid Questions, Answered.

...and said questions have come in, fast and furious.  (Well, not "furious." "Inquisitive" is more like it.")

But that's a good thing, for two reasons:

1. We know that we'll be delivering information that YOU want (not what Pearl or I think you want);  and

2. We don't have to do anything to prepare!  I can just sit back on my tush and watch 'em come in.

Some of the pre-submitted questions are really good, and definitely not the same-old, same-old you'd hear from your guidance counselor.  I've reviewed questions about the CSS Profile, 529 accounts in grandparents' names, the accuracy of those Net Price calculators and a lot more.  I'm tingly with excitement! 

Seriously, I am excited, because I love hearing how we can help you demystify the process of getting money for college.

I hope you can make it tomorrow night!



Carpe college :)

- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  Please share this invitation with anybody you think could use it.

P.P.S.  We typically get a couple hundred or so folks to register.   That means that we won't be able to answer every single question, but we'll do our best. 

Here's a tip to help increase the odds that we get to your question:  if it pertains to a situation that others could share, as opposed to an ultra-specific, detail-laden scenario that fits only your set of facts.  

If you've ever been at a high school "College Night" or on an official college tour, I bet you can figure out why I had to write that.

(If you have any doubts about whether your question will benefit others, submit it and we'll be the judge.)

P.P.P.S. Nothing will be held back. 

We're live and unscripted, working without a safety net!  Here's how it works:  

First, sign up

Second, submit your "burning question" via the survey on the thank you page.  It's that simple.


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10 Ways Families Screw Up Their College Admissions and Financial Aid Results...and how to avoid them!

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