A simple email helped one family save $26,400 at Holy Cross. No begging, no sob stories—just knowing how to play the game.
(Well, maybe a little begging.)
I'm tee'ing up a new workshop, "How to 'Print' Scholarships on Demand" tomorrow night, to show you exactly how to slash your tuition bill by 56.1%. Here’s the theory of the case:
You do NOT have to pay full price for college—even if you’re “too rich” for aid.
Spoiler alert: you're not. Paying Full Boat is a CHOICE, not an obligation.
I’m offering a free, no-BS workshop. On this call, will discover:
Why your financial aid officer is NOT your friend (And why trusting them will cost you bigly)
How to “guilt-trip” colleges into giving you more money (Even if you don’t “need” it)
The double-secret financial aid formula (And the hiding in plain sight "loopholes" you can use to shelter your savings from the financial aid office)
Broadly speaking, there are two types of families this workshop is for:
Six-figure earning families who feel like living responsibly, below their means and saving for college will PUNISH them in financial aid. (Tomorrow night, I'll show you how to level the playing field.)
Well-off families who are fortunate to be able to afford to "write the check," but don't want to OVERPAY. Our motto: "You have to pay tuition, but you don't need to leave a tip."
Look, most families lose tens of thousands of dollars that they otherwise deserve by doing nothing. Don’t be one of them.
Claim your ticket now:
- Andy "Wholesale for College" Lockwood
P.S. You will also discover:
The inconvenient truth about the 529 college savings account
The bizarro reason why an expensive private college can actually cost less than a so-called "cheaper" public university
The "look back" period in financial aid
Business Owners: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly situation you're in when it comes to financial aid and paying for college
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