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Sometimes It's What's Between the Lines

college essay Jul 24, 2024

I was talking with one of my essay editors yesterday about a draft that one of our clients put together.

"I don't know, the essay checks a lot of boxes, but there's just something about it that's lacking," my editor said.

"Agree. It's like there's no there, there" I said.  "Just, first I did this, then I accomplished that, etc."

To be fair, that's kinda sorta your task in a personal statement, to talk about yourself. 

But a good essay is about more than what you did. You can't merely regurgitate other parts of your application.

What about failures?  Embarrassing situations that you resolved, eventually?

Self-deprecation counterbalances the braggy stuff and makes the essay more HUMAN sounding.  You don't want to come across as an arrogant d-bag, at least on paper. :)

So what you write is important, but what your reader FEELS is super-duper important too.

Tomorrow night, I'm conducting a free online class, called Top 10 College Essay Mistakes -- How to write an essay so compelling that college admissions officers will practically crawl naked over broken glass to admit your student.

This class is for kids and parents alike.  Please share this with anyone you know who needs this info.

Here's where to sign up:

Essay Class


- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  At the end of the class, I will make a one-time, "exploding" offer, after I'm done teaching. 

There's no pressure on you to stick around for that if you're not looking for 1:1 essay editing and brainstorming help.


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