Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

"Secrets" of the New Digital SAT

act act test sat sat test Jun 18, 2024

Our head tutor Marissa U just got back from a conference where a rep from the College Board shocked the crowd with little known revelations about the brand spanking new digital SAT.

After Marissa told me about the first one, I interrupted and said, "We need to do a webinar for our list!"  

So that's what we decided to do, tomorrow night.  Marissa will run through the latest information you need to know before deciding to take the SAT.  

Or deciding not to take the SAT.

She'll cover the funky way that they now "adjust" the test based on how a student does in the first section (it's weird);  plus tips and tricks on how to get more answers correct, and score as high as possible!

Here's where to sign up -- please share this invite with anyone you know who could use it:

Sign Up Here..


- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  I'm also hosting an actual live (not a webinar) event in our brand new office, at the end of the month.  Details to come.


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