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SAT v ACT - Which Is Best?

act test sat test Jul 09, 2024


It seems like more colleges abandon their test-optional policies every week.  Harvard and CalTech.  Brown and Georgia Tech.  I believe we're still in the beginning stages of a standardized testing comeback.

Why?  Mostly because rampant grade inflation makes it super hard for admissions officers to gauge the college readiness of applicants. When everyone has a 94 average, how to you separate the wheat from the chaff?  

A full discussion of that topic would take too long, but it appears that that the (new, digital) SAT and ACT are back to help resolve that issue.    

The SAT changed formats earlier this year, switching from paper to digital.  Reviews were mixed, to put it mildly, making it more confusing for students wondering which one to prep for, and take, in order to boost their chances of getting accepted to the colleges they want to attend...

...and clean up with fat, juicy scholarships :)

That's why we're running an SAT and ACT preview class tomorrow night, walking you through each and every section, to help you determine "Which Test is Best?"   We'll help you figure out which one is right for you (your kiddo) if:

  • You're a fast test taker

  • You're a slow-to-medium test taker

  • You're "bad at math"

  • You're good at math

  • You "hate science"

  • You have high grades but you're a "bad standardized test taker"

Wait!  There's more...

  • Tips to overcome test anxiety

  • Hidden, score-killing "landmines" lurking in the SAT and ACT for hapless, unsuspecting test takers

  • Grammar section tips

  • More - including your questions - this is a live class

Register now to claim your spot!

Please forward this invitation to anyone you know who needs it! 



- Andy "Sneak Preview" Lockwood

P.S.  Here are some other ways we can help you:

1:1 College Advising

Test Prep and Tutoring

Financial Aid Consulting

Student Loan Repayment Advising


50% Complete

Two Step

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