I'll be quick so you can get ready for another rockin' New Year's Eve...
We're running a limited time 10% off promo on our financial aid consulting service, which gets you our expert help in the following areas...
There's two ways to sign up, pick the one right for you - each link has a 10% off coupon code baked in:
We'll keep this deal open and available until midnight, Jan 1, 2024!
P.S. Our mission is to help you comfortably afford tuition of all of your kiddos without scrimping your lifestyle, loading up on student debt (them or you) or feeling like you need to sell a vital organ.
Enroll today and let us take you by the hand throughout the entire confusing, stressful process of applying for college aid. Your decision could be the smartest one you make all of 2024!
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Get this unusual but valuable information now -- while it's still available!