Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

How Important is "Leadership" on the Common App?

I'm -ss deep reviewing our clients' college applications, and have noticed one thing they all have in common:

Everyone applying to college is a leader!

Apparently, followers don't go to college.  

I'm being SLIGHTLY facetious, but there is a point embedded in my snark:

If everyone is a leader, how important or special can leadership be to an admissions officer?

What if you're not the president, vice-president or one of 17 co-founders of a club?  Can you still stand out on your college applications?

I'll take a stab at answering that question, tonight, in a new workshop called  "Late Stage College Planning"

The class is free and we're not set to record it.  Nothing will be sold, either.

Here are additional topics I'm planning to cover:

*The Inconvenient, Politically Incorrect Truth About What It Takes to Get Into an Ivy or Any Top College -- What do admissions officers REALLY want?   

SAT and ACT Strategies --  When should you go "Test Optional" and when should you reveal your SAT or ACT scores?    

*How to Create a Balanced, Strategic College List -- The fatal flaw of Naviance,  SCOIR and other high school college tools.  How to ensure you get accepted to multiple, high-quality colleges.

*The Dirty Little Secret About College Rank  

*How to Submit Applications and Essays That "Sell" -- Six huge essay "fails" to avoid at all costs.

*How to Get Cash for College -- How to win merit scholarships. Strategies for self-employed parents  to unlock cash from their businesses.


This class is free and there's no awkward sales pressure to buy anything.  Obviously we offer these webinars to promote our college advisory service, but we have a very different approach that may not be right for you. 

So you can leave your wallet tucked away in your pantaloons.  :)

Click on the blue button to sign up and attend this unusual -- and politically incorrect -- workshop:

Register Here


- Andy "Application Overload" Lockwood

P.S.  Please forward this to any of your fellow parents who need this info. 


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