Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

Good vs Cr-ppy Essay

What goes into a "good" college essay, anyway?

Does it have to be about some enormously dramatic, Lifetime Move-quality event that occurred in a young lad's or lass's life?

Some gigantic, breathtaking obstacle that the young chap or damsel overcame before going onto accomplish scholastic glory?

Or an abundance of wicked smaht-sounding, multi-syllabic words such as "myriad" and "plethora" stuffed into every sentence?

I bet you know the answers to those questions.

What about "good" and "bad" essay topics?

Getting cut from a team, then working out extra hard over the summer in Rocky's old gym, coming back, making the team and kicking the winning goal or making a buzzer beater from half court?

Writing about grandpa's words of wisdom?

Or oing political?

This Thursday night, I'm conducting a free online class to answer all of these questions. Some of my answers should confirm what you knew or suspected, but then again, some may surprise you, come to think of it.,

The class is called, Top 10 College Essay Mistakes -- How to write an essay so compelling that college admissions officers will practically crawl naked over broken glass to admit your student.

This class is for kids and parents alike. 

Please feel free to share this with anyone you know who will soon be staring at that blinking cursor on their laptop, stressing out about where to start (hint:  ChatGPT is not the answer).

Here's where to sign up:

Essay Class


- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  At the end of the class, I will make a one-time, "exploding" offer, after I'm done teaching. 

There's no pressure on you to stick around for that if you're not looking for 1:1 essay editing and brainstorming help.


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