Are you rolling the dice on your child’s college future?
Be honest.
Because right now, some parents are making the fatal mistake of “waiting to see how things go.” They think:
"We’ll just see how junior year plays out…”
"Maybe we’ll get our guidance counselor to help in the fall…”
"We’ll worry about scholarships later…”
And then suddenly, it’s October. Deadlines are weeks away. Their child’s essays are a disaster. Or, worse: unwritten.
And by then? It’s too late.
Every year, I get panicked emails from parents BEGGING me to step in at the last minute.
"Andy, is there ANY way we can get help now?? I should have called you last spring."
And I have to say no—because at that point, there’s only so much we can do: we're maxed out with students, unable to squeeze anyone else in, at any price (oh, the stories I could tell. Such entitlement out there! :)
You can prevent this easily avoidable, self-sabotaging situation RIGHT NOW.. And pat yourself on the back for taking care of this critically important parenting duty.
Join the College Application Edge Bootcamp today, and your child will:
Submit their applications EARLY—while other students are scrambling last-minute, submitting cr-appy essays that look rushed and possibly rife with errors
Have a tested and proven strategy for winning merit scholarships—without needing a perfect SAT score
Turn in a polished, unforgettable, incomparable application that demands a YES
Normally, the Bootcamp is $5,995—and it SELLS OUT at that price every year.
But because we expanded our office space, and because I wanted to get this opportunity into the hands of more deserving students instead of sitting idly by, watching them NOT get into the colleges they deserve to attend, I’ve modified the bootcamp and have SLASHED the price by 58%—down to just $3,495.
Only 12 families will get this deal (we don't have THAT much space here!). After that, the price goes up.
Hustle on over here to secure one of the last spots.
Many families "wing it" and basically gamble on their kiddo's college future (and arguably, post-college future).
I'll be brutally candid here:
Sometimes it works out OK.
But frequently, it's a horrible, massive sh-t show when colleges mail their their decisions.
If you're a family that is fortunate to have the means to give your son or daughter the "Edge" over their competition, you'd be wicked smart to take me up on this offer before I ruthlessly and mercilessly jack up the price back where it belongs.
Or you can just risk it all and go it alone.
- Andy "Snake Eyes" Lockwood
P.S. Once our last spots are gone, they’re gone. No exceptions.
P.P.S. The bootcamp experience is in a group setting, with 1:1 breakout sessions.
If you want more comprehensive, private college advising, we offer that too. Just reply to this email if interested.
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