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DEADLINE: 10% promo dies at midnight

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2024

Good eeeeeve-a-ning (I know it’s morning but let’s not split hairs),

I'll be quick and off the cuff, I didn't have time to reHEARSE this -- only a few short hours remain!

At midnight tonight, our offer expires as abruptly and savagely as a stake through a heart:  

$304.50 off our Financial Aid Warrior, financial aid consulting service (plus a wicked awesome, just-added fast-action bonus worth $497 - see below). 

Financial Aid Warrior is our financial aid consulting and applications prep (FAFSA, CSS Profile) service that gets you every last bloody dollar that you deserve to get, possibly even more…

…steering you clear of the horrible, blood-sucking monstrous mistakes that lie, lurking in the shadows for poor, sweet unsuspecting you…

…ready to POUNCE and rob you blind of the financial aid and scholarship money you otherwise should have won! 

This limited-time sale allows you to enroll for an instant, tuition-SLASHING scholarship of 10% off (if you beat the devil, and countdown clock):

<<<<< 1-PAY Option (Best Deal) >>>>

Or get started for less than 700 smackeroos:

<<<< EZ-Pay Option >>>>> 

Let us rescue you and take you by the hand to lead you through the House of Horrors that awaits you:  stress, hassle and all unpleasant dealings with the financial aid office, government websites, tax returns, remembering your passwords, PINs, the FSA ID (know what that is?  You need two or more)...

...wondering if you made a mistake, or somehow filed properly and otherwise feeling BURIED ALIVE by all this gruesome college nonsense!

In financial aid, the DEVIL is in the details.  (The CSS Profile has 200-300 questions, depending on which colleges are on your list.)

But it’s a tall order to  outwit “Old Scratch” yourself. 

We can help you comfortably afford college tuition for all of your Children of the Night – without SACRIFICING your lifestyle – or RACK-ing up tens of thousands of torturous, gruesome, high rate debt! 

There’s a been a ton of inflation recently, including outrageous college tuition costs  (in case you didn't notice), but we’re taking a hatchet and a chainsaw for good measure to massacre our own prices for you!

Plus, you’ll avail yourself of any hidden “loopholes” in the financial aid forms – including the legal “shelters” for your assets – that could quite literally save you thousands of dollars.  

Maybe tens of thousands!

Plus plus, you never have to “lose your head” over missing a DEADline (this is really valuable, these critters sneak up on you and cause countless hapless, unlucky souls to miss out on financial aid they should have gotten!). Work with us and that's one less thing to tremble in fear over.

To see the entire offer and to “steal” our flagship product from us with my grudging consent, go here:

<<<<< 1-PAY Option (Best Deal) >>>>

Get started for less than 700 smackeroos:

<<<< EZ-Pay Option >>>>>

Our accountant thinks we have bats in our belfry but we’ll do anything to get this into your deserving hands!

Pearl and I felt that you deserve a break and wanted to “treat” (not “trick”) you, to the tune of $304.50 off!

Plus, when you sign up with us before the “witching hour”, you get a gigantic, MONSTROUS BONE-us that will help reassure you that you have a balanced, strategic college list…and avoid College Admissions Armageddon:

Access to a proprietary tool that helps you do a last minute Gut Check to evaluate how your child stacks up against all of his competitors (not just the ones at your high school, the way Naviance shows).  

You will NOT get accurate information about your child’s TRUE admissions chances at school.  This tool  – College Guru Software – is much more accurate.  Use it if you dare…

What’s the problem?  You might get rejected by your “Safety Schools”, because you mistakenly thought they were no-brainers.

In a similar VEIN, if you rely on your school counselor and her software program, you won’t get an accurate sense of how balanced your list is, because you will FAIL to consider everything that admissions officers review, including:

This bonus delivers honest, objective information. Oh, and it helps you see what’s available at each college re:  Merit Aid!

But it's not for the faint of heart.  But it’s yours if you enroll before the clock striketh midnight…

Go here to get this before it’s gone, like some ghostly apparition you may have imagined!

<<<<< 1-PAY Option (Best Deal) >>>>

<<<< EZ-Pay Option >>>>>

If you need me, I’ll be banging out a few creepy tunes on our pipe organ, biding my time before I can greet you on The Other Side!

Andy “Count FAFSALA” Lockwood

Undead College Planner

PS – This no-brainer, irresistible, 10% -OFF PRICE SLASH sale ends TONIGHT at Midnight!

Don’t miss out  - don’t be a victim – avoid the stinging pain of regret and shame for your remaining years. You’ll feel like Linda Blair after a day on the set of The Exorcist if you blow this off!

Go here to activate this “Halloween” special. 

<<<<< 1-PAY Option (Best Deal) >>>>

<<<< EZ-Pay Option >>>>>

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