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College Essay Webinar Replay

college essay Jul 26, 2024

The College Essay Lab

Things went pretty, pretty well, judging from the reviews and the chat for last night's webinar, Top 10 College Essay Mistakes -- How to write an essay so compelling that college admissions officers will practically crawl naked over broken glass to admit your student.

I did my best to walk everyone though exactly what needs to go into a strong, persuasive personal statement and a few of the more common supplemental essays, as well as a bunch of mistakes to avoid.

Some of my advice was fairly conventional, some was definitely out of the box, like my comments on "writer's block" and how to defeat it.

Approximately 45% of the 200 folks who registered for the webinar couldn't make it, so I decided to post the recording. It will be available here, later this morning.

At the end of the presentation, I made a one-time, "exploding" offer to get our help brainstorming, editing and polishing your child's essays (not "writing it for you", mind you) for a 20% off "scholarship" (discount), that expires at the end of the month.  Here's the page that describes that service.

Please share this with anyone you know who needs this info.

Essay Class Recording


- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  Enrollment in The College Essay Lab is limited to 10 students.


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