Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

College Admissions "Secrets"

Summer's unofficially over, and if you have a high school junior, sophomore or younger, you might feel like reality has slapped you in the kisser harder than an Emma Navarro backhand.

Yep, the college process is coming atcha, like a fast approaching train.

And like a train, it arrives on its own schedule, and departs on its own schedule -- whether or not you are "ready".

This past year was, hands down, the CRAY-ZEE-IST year in my 22+ as a college advisor, between the Supreme Court declaring affirmative action in college admissions to be unconstitutional, campus protests after the October 7 attack on Israel, increased college applications and dropping admissions rates, huuuuuuge problems with FAFSA and getting financial aid into the hands of families who qualify for it, and uncertainty about test-optional policies as they started to lose favor.

Other than that, things went pretty smoothly!

That's why I'm holding a free online class this Thursday night, called "Late Stage College Planning".  If you have an 11th grader or younger, you owe it to yourself and them to attend.  Here are some of the key topics I plan to cover:

*The Inconvenient, Politically Incorrect Truth About What It Takes to Get Into an Ivy or Any Top College -- What do admissions officers REALLY want?  Are there really any more "Safety Schools?"  Why do academically superior candidates fail to get into colleges that roll out the red carpet for their less-academically accomplished l peers? 

*What's the Deal with the SAT and ACT? -- When should you go "Test Optional" and when should you reveal your SAT or ACT scores?    

*How to Create a Balanced, Strategic College List -- The fatal flaw of Naviance,  SCOIR and other high school college tools. How many colleges should you apply to?  How to ensure you get accepted to multiple, high-quality colleges.

*The Dirty Little Secret About College Rank -- Should you apply only to top 30 colleges or are you missing out on hidden "gem' colleges?  

*How to Submit Winning Applications and Essays -- What are "good" and "bad" essay topics?  Six huge essay "fails" to avoid at all costs.

*How to Get Cash for College -- The new rules of financial aid you need to know even if you think you won't qualify.   How to win merit scholarships. Strategies for self-employed parents  to unlock cash from their businesses.


This class is free and there's no awkward sales pressure to buy anything.  It happens this Thursday night, all details a mere click away:

Learn more...


- Andy "Late Stage" Lockwood

P.S.  Please forward this to any of your fellow parents who need this info, 'cause they sure as schnitt won't get it from their guidance counselor or any "College Night" event at your school this Fall!


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