Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

[CLOSING OUT] Bootcamp Registration

college admissions Jun 14, 2024

Let me get right down to business.  We're closing out registration for our Get College Ready Bootcamp tonight, midnight.

COUPON CODES BOOT-10 / BOOT-10EZ for the one-pay and payment plan options.

If your son or daughter is struggling with the answer to the question, "Why should a college accept YOU?", this opportunity is for you.  And her.

Most kids can't answer this question. 

Or they come up with a non-answer that sounds like something they think admissions officers want to hear (but could pertain to every college applicant):

"I have a 94 GPA."  

"I'm in National Honor Society."

It's not their fault.  High school students have zero training on how to capture admissions officers' attention, hearts and minds and PERSUADE them why they should be admitted to the school of their dreams!

That goes double for parents, who are even more in the dark than their kids. 

You can get the full workup on this summer-long event here, but here are the highlights:

  • Two (2) instructional sessions to discover how to stand out from 50,000 near-identical competitors as an Incomparable Applicant
  • Four (4) working Drafting Sessions (two Sunday mornings in July, two in August) to write, edit, brainstorm with our editors
  • Eight (8) open Office Hours, weekly during the evening throughout July and August to get additional help with essays, applications, the college list, more
  • Additional editing and support outside of the above sessions
  • WE hold your student accountable.  YOU don't have to scream at or threaten them all summer :)

Here's where to get all details and take advantage of our 10% off instant scholarship (discount):  use coupon code BOOT-10 or BOOT-10EZ for the one-pay or payment plan options:

Learn more...


- Andy "This All Must End" Lockwood

P.S.  You can attend live, in our BRAND NEW office, or virtually, over Zoom.

P.P.S.  If you and a buddy sign up, we'll knock off a few more bucks.  Email me with questions.


50% Complete

Two Step

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