Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

Bootcamp Bonus Just Added

fafsa financial aid Jun 11, 2024

Top of the morning!  

I'll be quicker than a Maryland felony gun charge jury today, because I know you're busy.

I just talked the lovely Pearl Lockwood into offering a Fast  -- Early -- Action bonus for anyone enrolled in our Get College Ready Bootcamp that runs all summer:

FREE preparation of your FAFSA!

(That's the financial aid application required by all colleges.)

This past year's "simplified" FAFSA overhaul and rollout was anything but simplified...

It was one giant pile of horse poop.  So much so that the bureaucrat in charge, Richard Cordray, lost his job over it.

I hope and pray that next year's FAFSA isn't beset by the same or new problems, or "glitches" as the Department of Education called them.  But I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

That's why this Early Action bonus is so valuable - you'll avoid costly mistakes, and save time and stress by having the Financial Aid Warrior herself, Pearl Lockwood, in your corner, walking you through all the ins and outs, glitches, strategies to get more aid, landmines that could PREVENT you from getting what you deserve, you name it.

That's all included -- gratis -- if you enroll in the bootcamp before the clock striketh zero three days hence.

And, we're still offering our 10% off scholarship (discount):

Use the coupon code BOOT-10 or BOOT-10EZ for the 1-pay or 5 pay options, when you click on the blue button, below (just wait for the shopping cart to update).  

Hustle over there before we sell our last seat:

Yes! Sign My Kid Up!


- Andy "Giving Pearl More Work" Lockwood

P.S.  You can read up on everything covered at the bootcamp, but here are the highlights:

*15 sessions from the end of June through the beginning of August to give your kiddo EVERY OPPORTUNITY to get the essays and applications D-O-N-E and out the door (every opportunity, meaning no excuses not to)

*Work with me and our highly trained, highly overeducated essay editors from Ivy League colleges brainstorm, strategize, edit and polish their essays

*Work with an actual real life admissions officer from a competitive New York metropolitan area liberal arts college who has personally reviewed more than 10,000 applications over his your son or daughter doesn't have to guess what admissions officers are looking for

P.P.S. Sign up now, and instantly breathe a sigh of relief, so that you can enjoy a hands-off summer, where your kiddo gets his apps and essays D-O-N-E and out the door.

No muss, no fuss.  No threatening, screaming or high blood pressure.


50% Complete

Two Step

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