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Bombshell ACT Changes Announced

act test sat test Jul 16, 2024

ACT Ch-Ch-Ch--Ch-Changes Webinar

The folks at the ACT just announced some pretty big ch-ch-changes!

I've been wondering why.  But in lieu of sharing my (cynical) thoughts, let me tell you about tonight's webinar.   (I'll probably blurt out my half-baked theories at some inopportune time, tonight):

I'm hauling in our expert, Lockwood Test Prep Head Tutor, Marissa U, to 'splain answers to questions such as:

What are the changes?

When will they go into effect?

Are they good for fast test takers?

Slow test takers?

Kids weak in science?

Kids who aren't strong writers?

And, overall...

What do they mean for your kiddo?

Tune in tonight, Wednesday July 17 --  Marissa will answer these questions and more, including your questions -- we'll be live in chat.

Here's where to sign up for ths one-time, breaking news event:

ACT Webinar


- Andy "Never a Dull College Planning Moment" Lockwood

P.S.  Please share this invitation with anyone who could use this information!


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