Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

Avoid These College Essay Mistakes

These days, I'm derriere-deep with college essay editing for our clients, and have noticed certain repeated, widespread and repeated mistakes.

(Repeated twice in the same sentence was an intentional joke. Alrighty, as you were.)

I figured I'd share a few of them, to help your child come up with a winning personal statement and persuasive supplemental essays.

This Thursday night, I'm conducting a free online class, Top 10 College Essay Mistakes -- How to write an essay so compelling that college admissions officers will practically crawl naked over broken glass to admit your student.

This class is for kids and parents alike.  Please feel free to share this with anyone you know who will soon be staring at that blinking cursor on their laptop, wondering "What the devil do I have to write about" (or 2024 equivalent expression)?

I'm here to help.  Go here to get the details:

Essay Class


- Andy Lockwood

P.S.  Just to get this out of the way, I'll be making a special, one time only "exploding" offer at the end of the webinar, after I'm done teaching. 

You don't have to stick around for that if you're not looking for 1:1 essay editing and brainstorming help.


50% Complete

Two Step

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