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48 hours left on the $304.50 off sale

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2024

I’ll make this quick like little Chuckie scampering around your attic - you have less than 2 days to take advantage of our “Halloween” special.

Until midnight Eastern time, Sunday night, you get 10% off ( $304.50)  our Financial Aid Warrior financial aid consulting program  (and a $497 Early Action BONE-us that we just released from the crypt :)

When you enroll, you will instantly be saved from the ghouls and goblins lurking in the FAFSA, CSS Profile and other modern-day torture devices that stand in the way of you being able to comfortably afford college!

To get your double discount (on our service  and on college tuition!), simply go here right now.

Oh, I have some great news!  We just added ta payment plan to fit your budget, discounted as well

You can get started for less than 700 donuts:


But both deals will vanish without a trace, like a ghostly apparition, suddenly, without warning, Sunday at Midnight!

(Yeah, I realize I’m telling you days in advance that this expires without warning. It makes perfect sense to me.)

When you enroll before the “witching hour” on Sunday (in two days), not only do you get our money-saving expertise and knowledge on the FAFSA and CSS Profile, but also you get a gigantic, MONSTROUS BONE-us that will help reassure you that you have a balanced, strategic college list…and avoid College Admissions Armageddon:

Access to a proprietary tool that helps you see how your child “stacks up” against all of his competitors (not just the ones at your high school, the way Naviance shows).  

You will NOT get accurate information about your child’s TRUE admissions chances at school.  This tool  – College Guru Software – is much more accurate.  Use it if you dare…

This proprietary, privately-available bonus was created by Don Betterton, 30-year member of Princeton University’s Admissions Committee, and was designed to factor  in 20-25 key elements that admissions officers evaluate. Naviance looks at only GPA and SAT or ACT.

What’s the problem?  You won’t get an accurate sense of how balanced your list is, unless you consider everything that admissions officers review, including:


Applying Early Decision

Volunteer Activities

Applying Test-Optional vs. Submitting Scores

Rigor of Course Load


This bonus delivers honest, objective information  It’s not for the faint of heart, but neither is hanging garlic up all over your house to keep me and my friends away.  

But it’s yours if you enroll before the clock striketh midnight


You can pay us less than $700 to get started:


Here's a confession, straight from (and staked through) the heart...

I see how hard my little countess Pearlticia  works at all kinds of crazy hours in the “dead” of night. I think she's borderline criminally insane, to be blunt..  But Pearl really wants to do this for you. And it’s in both of our interests to keep her happy :).

Here is where you can suck a little blood out of us and practically steal our services, Financial Aid Consulting (with my grudging consent) for the next two days.

<<< 1-PAY OPTION (Best Deal) >>>>

Or the payment plan to fit your budget, discounted as well:

<<<< PAYMENT PLAN >>>>

Expires Sunday 10/13 -- Midnight.  And I’ve already stuck in the coupon code for 10% off into those pages!  I’m doing everything humanly and inhumanly possible to help you here!

Sign up and beat the cruel demons in the financial aid office at their own, sick game.  Maybe you'll send us a nice note like our client Stephanie Salzbank:

When my friends started telling me that they received nothing in financial assistance, I once again began to worry. But then our packages started coming from Ithaca, University of Albany, Syracuse and the best yet Boston University.

My friend said "I can't understand how you received so much in assistance, while I got NOTHING, and I even had the FAFSA people fill out the forms.

Is she crazy? Why would the people who are giving you the money want to help you fill out the forms?

So all I can say is "Thank you Andy!" You made this whole process so easy, less stressful, and dare I say downright fun.  Thank goodness you know all the loopholes.  You are the best! Guess we'll be seeing each other for the next 4 years.

Very truly yours,

Stephanie and Rob Salzbank
Port Washington, New York

Fangs For the Memories Stephanie and Rob!

Andy “Count FAFSALA” Von Lockwuud

Undead and Lovin’ Every Minute of It College Consultant

On behalf of Countess Perlticia Von Lockwuud

PS – This 10% sale ends at Midnight, Eastern, Sunday (in two days).  When it dies, it dies, no seance or Frankensteinesque experiment can revivify it!  

Don’t miss out, drive a stake through your college bill!   Go here to give life -- Yes!  It's ALIVE! -- to this “Halloween” special, and transmogrify your unaffordable college bill into something you actually look forward to paying!

PPS - Remember, if you sign up with us, you’ll avoid horrible, ghastly mistakes on the FAFSA and CSS Profile that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars in lost aid that you should have gotten your claws on!

You’ll also see precisely where the money-MAKING loopholes are “buried” in the financial aid applications, potentially worth thousands, even tens of thousands of buckeroos!

Plus, you’ll never miss any DEADlines!

Grab this deal now, so that you can comfortably afford college tuition for all of your “children of the night” – without racking up horrible, usurious debt (on them or you), SACRIFICING your lifestyle or needlessly SLAUGHTERING your retirement.

<<< 1-PAY OPTION (Best Deal) >>>

Or, the budget-friendly, spread it out option:

<<<<<<< EZ-PAY PLAN >>>>>>>>

Learn More


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Two Step

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